Question by Dr. Robert Isn’t a Doctor: Should I give Red Hot Chili Peppers another chance?
I recently bought Stadium Arcadium by RHCP, and I hated it. Off the entire two disk collection, I think I liked about 5 songs.
They seem like a good band though, so I thought about buying Blood Sex Magik by them to see if I will like it better. What do you think? Would I be wasting my money, or should I give RHCP a chance?
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Best answer:
Answer by ron-johns * is shot
BSSM and Californication are great albums. You should have started with them. Stadium Arcadium was indeed a let down.
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only if you can pick it up in the used section.
which im sure you can.
BloodSugarSexMagic is one of their better albums, but listen to Stadium Arcadium some more. It took a while but it grew on me. I like it now, mostly. Chad Smith is one of rock’s better drummers.
I think u should!
IMO, RHCP are a wee bit overrated — very good, but not the LEGENDS many claim them to be — but you should give them another chance. Maybe the earlier Freaky Styley-era albums will connect with you more.
Yeah, BSSM is far better, as is Californication, and By the Way. You’ll be blown away, esp. by BSSM.
In these days, it’s called LimeWire.
No, you shouldn’t be buying any music from this band anyway
I’m a big fan of them, and I didn’t really like Stadium Arcadium. If I were you I would get one of their other albums.
No, a horribly overrated band. Their best song, “Higher Ground” was actually written by Stevie Wonder (although they did do a great cover of it).
Don’t let the popularity of a band steer you into believing that it means the band actually makes quality music. Move on to something better.
Click on the link below and check out some of the “similar” and “influenced by” artists instead.
I personally would recommend the following from those lists:
Talking Heads
The Stooges
Butthole Surfers
Gang of Four
The Germs
Black Flag
But if you are looking for closest approximation of sound, go with Faith No More.
I *love* the Red Hot Chili Peppers ever since my brother started playing “Dani California”. I started listening to their older music and found that I enjoyed that more than their recent albums. Ever since Californication, they have drifted from their funk roots into a softer rock. I prefer the funk rock from their earlier days (Blood Sugar Sex Magik and pre). I didn’t enjoy One Hot Minute, so I’m not even going to talk about that. I really suggest buying BSSM or Freaky Styley.