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Question by Praire Crone: tarot readers…..?
has anyone had much experience using the Gothic tarot deck by Joe Vargas? I am breaking one in and thought it would be hard to deal with because some of the images don’t corrospond to the Rider deck but surprisingly it has proven to be easy to transfer the meanings. What are your experiences?
Conny dear if I had wanted opinions on whether or not Tarot was real I would have asked that. I am not talking to you about that. I happen to believe in them and you are disrespecting my personal beliefs not to mention some of my religious views on the subject. Are you religious hon? If so then I would think that perhaps you would be more careful about disrespecting others in that area. But if you are one of the arrogant ones I suppose you just don’t care…. PLease go back to where ever you came from and leave us who are peacefully believing what we do, alone…..It would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Ahh… Wizard… I see that you are possessed by the sarcasm demon as well….but not the wisdom demon….Hummm…. that is strange. Beware of assumtions my ghost busting friend…they tend to make one’s life unpredictable at best…

Best answer:

Answer by conny
Tarot cards are so phony!!!! They are not real. It’s all a joke!!!

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5 Responses to Q&A: tarot readers…..?

  • Wizard says:

    Prairie Crone. That’s a good name.Your a Witch, and yet you use the Tarot.That is strange.You rely on Fortune Telling cards, and not spells.Your welcome, I hope you don’t read for yourself? It’s easy to be fooled with the Tarot> But Heh! It’s your mind so far.

  • ericabishop691 says:

    well, I have never had that problem, cuz i have used only two decks, a dragon one and another one. Both were easy for me to use. never knew there were that many deck types out there.

  • ladysilverhorn says:

    if a deck calls to you and you connect. reading with them should be no problem. no matter what deck you learned on.

  • Spyderbear says:

    I have two decks. I learned on the Aquarian tarot. It was a good deck that took a little getting used to. The images were quite different in quite a few cases. I use that deck mostly for tarot spells now. The deck I use for readings is the Robin Wood deck. Most of the images are very familiar and many of the (happy) cards simply make you smile! I’ve freaked people out with my readings. I am evidently very accurate, even when I have no idea what the reading is. Everything I tell others, they understand.

  • 'llysa says:

    Oh, yes! I have the Gothic tarot deck by Joe Vargas. 🙂 It’s awesome, isn’t it… I had no trouble “transferring” meanings to this deck, but this is specifically because each of my decks have their own quirks and symbolisms. I don’t generally go by a “book” meaning on any of my decks, but instead I supplement my own intuitive understandings of each deck with the LWB’s and any supplemental texts that come with the decks if there are any. Thus, if I’m doing a reading, and everything I “know” a particular card to “mean” within my own framework of understanding isn’t working in the reading, I might consult the supplemental text or the LWB that came with that deck specifically, and I may also research my library of general tarot books for ideas and connections I may not be seeing “right off hand”. If I still can’t find some hint of possible meaning, I will then sit with that reading spread for several days off and on when I have the time to contemplate them, and sooner or later I get that “Ah-ha!” moment of another “side” to what I understand the troublesome card to mean. That’s the fun in learning and growing with tarot though, eh? 😉

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