Question by kitchenwitch_38: What are the different paths of Shamanism?
Example Celtic Shaman, etc.
Best answer:
Answer by imeahgila
Druidism, paganism and anglo-Saxon sorcery come to mind
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Question by kitchenwitch_38: What are the different paths of Shamanism?
Example Celtic Shaman, etc.
Best answer:
Answer by imeahgila
Druidism, paganism and anglo-Saxon sorcery come to mind
Add your own answer in the comments!
Almost every culture has, or has had in the past, a type of Shamanistic tradition. In Africa you have what some call “witch doctors”. Siberia had its shamans, but Siberian shamanism died out long ago. (The word “shaman” originated in Siberia.) Australian aborigines have their version. There are South American shamans. North America has its Native American “medicine” men and women. The list goes on. Its rather hard to pin down, so many cultures and so many traditions even within the same culture. ~ Peace & Blessings ~
most cultures have or have had a shamanic tradition, except for sub-Saharan Africa, they have very unique beliefs for some reason.