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Question by Philosopher: what are the metaphysical implications if aliens ruled the world? (hypothetical)?
Assuming they couldn’t create Reality, could they have created Nature? And if so, why?

I think they created nature so that the Light can become embodied. An evil being that has experienced the light and wished to block it out (i.e. Lucifer/the devil) would have the ability to bend the light to its will, creating a matrix reality that trapped multiple beings within it…although this might only exist within that being’s mind. And if a being could create a system out of the light by blocking out certain areas, perhaps it could also be a good system as well as a bad system. Maybe they create a system so they can enslave everyone else.

this would imply that if a human broke free of the matrix, they would still have to get past the metaphysical being, if they realized the truth they might transcend, but if they become enslaved to the being due to ignorance or agnosis they would either become embodied, or if they are evil perpetuate the enslavement.

Your thoughts?
if a metaphysical being negated its own consciousness creating a matrix system out of its own being, then those secondary beings would be the metaphysical being.

Basically, a ‘god’ but how would this encompass every being? Either every being is one being or not at all.
that would mean that only a being can enslave itself, so how is it that multiple beings come together to form society? one being must be able to influence other beings to enslave themselves as well, but this is a physical aspect of course. If it were a philosophical premise, such as thinking the world was real, that could do it.
so if material philosophy was the real enslaver then everyone goes along with that thinking it is real, leading to a fixed world yet random because it has no real basis. how then would a superior being take over this?

knowing that people are materialistic, they would then continue to lie to them that the world is more real, and influence their thoughts on what is good, chasing the carrot, leading them and manipulating them. but for what purpose?

it would take a really evil personality to wish to distract humans from the truth so it must be for some cryptic reason. political power most likely.

Best answer:

Answer by philosophy major
can you clarify what you mean by transcend and what you mean by system and matrix?
Light is bent into a matrix we think is reality, if we realize its fake we aren’t enslaved anymore?
ill come back and check your response

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 Responses to Q&A: what are the metaphysical implications if aliens ruled the world? (hypothetical)?

  • ???/??? says:

    Aliens are “God” to us the same way that WE are “god” to a chimp.

    Aliens ‘created nature’? um… You don’t seem to have a grasp on how BIG the universe is and how much “Nature” extends outside of our sphere of influence…

    If aliens exist, and the odds are VERY VERY good that they do, and they could make it to Earth… They would look at us the way that we look at chimps…

    Because they are so much more advanced then use that the analogy is apt.

    But just as the Spanish were LOOKED AT as gods by the Native Americans… Aliens may SEEM ‘god like’ but that is just a misconception of a species that hasn’t attained that level of technology yet.

    It sounds like “The Prime Directive” (Star Trek) would be a VERY good policy to use…

  • Epictetus says:

    No way to negate your own consciousness, because that negation IS your consciousness. You can’t just assume aliens have everything figured out (as if it were possible). You can be enslaved if you don’t know the difference, or you give in to it. Control = agreement.

    Aliens probably colonized the earth 50 thousand years ago, but if they didn’t live in OUR hologram then they still have to live in some other hologram, reality = hologram.

    Us humans build hologram on hologram all the time. Many different levels to it, social, religious, familial etc. That’s what a thought is, a hologram projected using time-space (many interlocking variables).

  • smadina4 says:

    very interesting thinking…
    U r thinking outside of the box which is very good.
    If aliens r higher civilized beings than us, they could create life as we can clone organisms too. The question implies could we be a mere experiment as well and now we r trapped in a cage?
    Also dont say evil, because for different civilization the meaning of evil differs from the one our society portrays. That’s why you have to also think outside your own logic. The logic we r mostly using was influenced by the system we r trapped in. We cant possibly understand something beyond with our logic. So forget about evil or good, everything is energy and u can only manipulate it. Otherwise there would be no balance in this universe. Each of us is influencing the others. The society formed because each of us is interacting on a subconcious level with others. Or then again as a server the reality could be on some kind of drive and each of us is attached to it.

    Also if we r trapped in a system set up by some kind of aliens, what is the probability of getting out of it? Since u r being controlled and monitored

    If they r trapping us the way they do, they know something about us that we r not aware of. Not only they r hiding our real potential they r also confusing us.

    There must be a reason why we r trapped. Why would u enslave people unless u would be sure they could brake free from enslavement right? We do have a potential.
    Everything that we r controlled physically reflects from our inner self. They r using subliminal messages, to manipulate our subconciouss self more than our concsiousness

  • Ravencalls says:

    they do!!!..

    Microbs they are!!

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