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Question by Prospero Reincarnate: What do Pagans Not believe in?
Rather than the common question of “What do Pagans believe in,” I thought I’d take a more Neti, Neti approach. As a Pagan, I know what I personally do Not believe in (what I am against), but I like to hear from my fellows.

Best answer:

Answer by peterngoodwin
They don’t believe in seeking the Truth.

Give your answer to this question below!

11 Responses to Q&A: What do Pagans Not believe in?

  • The_Cricket: RIP Allecat says:

    I’ve never met a pagan that believed in hell, or any other kind of eternal punishment. Maybe there are some out there who believe that there is some kind of eternal (or temporary) punishment for people, but I’ve never met one, or read about one.

    I’ve never met a pagan who believed in a “devil” of any kind. While I would say that all believe there is both good and evil in the world, none believe there is one single being that epitomizes or represents evil.

    I didn’t believe in those things when I was a pagan, either, but at the time, I didn’t know very many pagans, the internet wasn’t readily available, so I didn’t know where other pagans stood on it. I developed my beliefs completely independently of other pagans.

    Edit: Strangely enough, and as a side-note, even after becoming a Christian, I still hold a somewhat pagan view of the Earth. I believe that the Earth is sacred, and is a living being, so we should treat her with respect. I believe, even now, that the Earth is our “mother”. Anyone who thinks that the fact that the Earth “belongs” to us means that we can abuse it, is in for a big surprise when they meet God. I’m sure He is angry for the way we’ve treated His beautiful creation.

  • Curious says:

    Most of them are pretty naive.
    So there is very little they won’t believe if you can present it with a straight face.

  • Wood Uncut (unaffiliated) says:

    *This* Pagan does not believe in ‘sin’, original nor improved. The ideas that mankind is inherently evil, that life sucks, that state killing is a reasonable response to wrongdoing, that ‘spreading the wealth’ is somehow wrong or that the Earth belongs to Man, to do with as (s)he pleases because in the end it’s all going to be made perfect by someone else.

    I could go on, but I guess you get the idea.

  • C K Platypus says:

    You are against thwarting the freewill of others.

  • Frou Frou says:

    hi tahuti 😉

    i do not believe in following a religion, ‘religiously’
    spirituality is a personal thing, no one else shoudl have any say, or influence on you over it
    they shoudl not force you to be them
    they shoudl not force you to follow all their rules
    they shoudl not take away your will and freedom to learn, and be who YOU are
    and i dont beleive in religion being good for anyone

  • Valkyri says:

    There’s a few things on my list.

    1) I don’t agree with, encourage or approve of forcing anyone’s religion on anyone else. That goes just the same for me with respect to others as it does for them with respect to me. I’ve got my path, others have thiers, and as Lao Tzu has been known to say, “There is a path we all must take. In the end, we must go our own way”. I believe my path is not for everyone, and those of others are not for me. Therefore, if anyone tries preaching the word of their God to me, they always get an earful of static as payment for their efforts.

    2) I don’t believe in this Xian Nation Trash the Fundies are trying to push on America. They can argue until they’re blue in the face, but all anyone needs to do is say “The Treaty of Tripoli. That’s all I’m gonna say.” and their preachy, pompous arguments are null and void. And that’s before you take into account all the other information backing this as anything BUT a Xian Nation. Do we really need a repeat of The Crusades? I didn’t think so. Besides, the Xian Population is dwindling faster than the Fundies can possibly brainwash people, and I somehow have my doubts that they wouldn’t be crushed in a fullblown Holy War like that.

    3) I don’t believe in Dominionism. To me, such an idea is filth, as are any who are so pretentious that they believe their religion gives them the right to own this world. As Human Beings, we each own an equal share in this existance on Earth, and that equal share is our own life and what we choose to do with it within the sphere of ourselves. I don’t care who you are or what your Bible says, you have NO right to total world domination, and in that, you are the same as everyone else. This may seem like me forcing my beliefs on others, but in actuality, it’s more like me enforcing my equal rights as an incarnated Human Being. I wouldn’t have Satanists ruling the world either. Then, the Xians would likely eventually lose rights, and that’s no more decent than them taking ours.

    4) I don’t believe in “The Devil”. In my days, I have learned from Theological Research, experience and an openminded approach to life that Satan Lucifer never was an “Angel”, and He never was the Xian Devil. To me, He remains as He was to the Pagan People of Earth before the Church: a God of Light and Truth whom instructs those willing to listen in Divine Knowledge and Wisdom, helping them to better their lives and make their way through the Darkness. To me, the Devil as a Sentient Being is nothing but lies and propaganda, and is null, void and nonexistant. The Devil as a Symbol of Humanity’s Primal, Carnal Nature, however, is very real and helpful as a means of understanding of self, but that’s an entirely different story.

    I guess there’s a little “I do believe” as well as a little “I don’t believe” in there, but such is necessary for proper understanding of my paradigm.

    Ave Satanas Luciferi!!


  • bad tim, cali8,fla2; no,hell no says:

    jesus, sin, eternal damnation, an all-powerful personal god, proselytization, one-path-for-all, etc etc etc.

  • Evil ?ª???æ? tart says:

    Well, personally, I don’t believe in souls, psychics, spirits, faeries, elves, dragons, magic that defies the laws of physics, gods, or unicorns.

    Oh, or personal income tax. But that I believe exists, I just don’t believe IN it. Different thing.

    Yeah, I’m a crappy pagan. I can live with it.

  • Platonic Mage says:


  • Priestess Jean says:

    Well, without trying to give a grocery list of items,
    I would just say that in general I don’t believe in
    anything which leads to harming the planet or the
    creatures who live on it…. Beyond that, I reject
    anything that doesn’t make sense to me or have
    some practical substance… at least until such
    time as I can discover that it DOES have some
    substance (I do have an open mind).

    But that’s just common sense, right ?


  • Labgrrl the Technologist says:

    I do not believe in Abrahamicism or the underlying fundamentals of it, such as sin or spiritual uncleanliness of the Abrahamic variety.

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