Question by DancingSquirrelUK: What do you think about Spiritual Healing?
Spiritualist churches and centres up and down the country offer “Spiritual Healing”, where people are invited to come in and receive healing from a healer. The form this takes may vary, but usually involves someone sitting on a chair while the healer moves their hands around their body. Many people have said it really makes a difference to their lives. Some report it has cured or alleviated ailments conventional medicine hasn’t been able to help with. Any views or experiences about this?
Best answer:
Answer by Snowie
I think it’s a lovely idea.
What do you think? Answer below!
its fake
only god and his power can heal
would you like some ?
If it has any effect at all, it’s purely placebo.
as a believer of Jesus Christ…when I recieved the holy spirit…He gave me gifts…healing is apart of that…through God…u can do anything…including healing people…
A bit pointless, seeing as this would require the existence of some sort of “spirit”. And they don’t.
true maybe but the bible also warns of false prophets
Ridiculous, just like the religions that entail this idea.
Healing from and by God is certainly available. It is free and has NO side effects. God does it freely and without strings attached for anyone who will believe. Better than a pill or a scalpel.
I would get real medicine first, then it can’t hurt.
The ritual is soothing and comforting and that’s all what you get by way of cure.It doesn’t work more than this.
‘What do you think about Spiritual Healing?’
If it works and it helps someone, I see no issue with it.
The only true (spiritual) healer is God.
i meet a man who traveled the world doing it. he was originally a bodyguard for famous people and then he began to work with refugees from other countries who had been tortured and it was so overwhelming to him that he seemed powerless to really help the people and then one day this healing power started to work thru his body. i’m sure i’m not telling the story exactly correctly but that is take on what he said. / even if i hadn’t met him i think that spiritual healing is logically possible but i also think that many people who claim to do it are psychopathic frauds.
Ignore these donuts, I am a strong believer in spiritual healing and so is the rest of my family, If you research it and look further into the incredible results from this kind of healing, i think you will agree that many non-believers of this therapy are very ignorant.
It is psychosomatic