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Question by lovemeforme221004: what is a good site to buy tarot cards and tarot books on how to use them?
I have recently become interested in tarot and would like to start learning how to use them and purchase my own. can anyone tell me a good site…besides amazon and ebay to buy some good cards. and also the site should include any information on things i should do before using them.
ok heres the deal..i dont want anyone who is gonna tell me that all i need is jesus or that its bad for me…that is not what i asked so if you are gonna tell me someting like that then dont bother even clicking on the little blue button that says ” Answer This Question”. Thank you!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Kallan

Hope those help!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to Q&A: what is a good site to buy tarot cards and tarot books on how to use them?

  • Esther V says:

    you really dont want to be getting yourself interested in that. it is so bad for you.All you need is Jesus.

  • snowwarriorangel says:

    don’t mess with stuff like that its false and evil

  • vinslave says:

    Kallan’s given you some good links, I’m just second-ing her post as good sources.


  • Elizabeth says:

    hi. let me tell you of my experience of buying tarot cards- condensed version-Dream the night I bought them- I was literally giving birth to a monster child in a fiery (fire-ry) stream.
    Ignored that-for a while. Dream the night that I threw them away-after a great and involved spiritual discussion-I was down in a dark basement, looking for something. the creaky door at the top of the rickety stairs, slowly opened, and as the bright light shown down from the room above. I saw a hand reach in, holding something. tossing it to me, I picked it up, and it was a bible…hmmm, suppose I made a connection then? Trust me. there is a reason we don’t want our life’s road broadcast for all and any to know. Think of the implications. Use your own intuition, or best yet, ASK and Ye Shall RECIEVE – Not a question asked goes unanswered, we just have to pay attention and also remember that we have asked a question!

  • Darkness2007 says:

    i use this site personally though its not on their side bar i scrolled down to the search bar and searched “tarot” and they have books and beginners guides for tarot cards as well as different card decks!

  • goathead says:

    I second this answer for decks and books

    then there is also

    as far as doing something before you use them?
    There is nothing special you need to do unless you want to give your reading experience some sort of opening ritual. Some people like to burn incense, others spread thier cards out on a silk cloth.

    want to know everything about tarot?
    and talk with others who read?

  • Lauren H says:

    I don’t know if I’m repeating someone else’s answers because I can’t see them until I attach my message – but – two good sources are:

    1. the home of aeclectic tarot

    2. don’t have the link – but google Llewellyn’s and access their site

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