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Question by Val: What is God. What do they mean by God.?
In the preface of the bible it says the word God is translated from the word Tetragrammaton.

Tetra means 4 and “grammadon” has a root word of grammar. This was thought to mean Yahweh but if you dig deeper. It also means grav, or in today’s terminology, gravity.

By that definition God = ‘The structure of a tetrahedron creating a gravitational effect.”

Which is depicted geometrically as the tree of life and the flower of life. It is a geometric shape that emits sound (the word of god) that has gravity.

The only thing that fits that description is the Sun. The Celtic pagan word for Christ is the Sun messiah. And the native American and other Shamanic based cultures sing YHWH to their creators, Father Sun and Mother Earth. There is a plethora of symbology in Christianity with Sun imagery.

So why do people still instist on God being a giant invisible sky fairy when it tells you what God is in his name in the bible itself.

Practicing Shaman… qunatum physics rocks.
Google the word tetragrammaton if it is not if the preface of your version of the bible.
God is my God : Just google the word and answer the question. YHWH in no way represents Jehova as the name of God. For a start there are no vowels in ancient hebrew. Where did the pronounciation come from if there are no vowels.
Jeelana: Its basically 4 words made up from the four hebrew symbols. The gram part is in relation to weight as well as grammer. But the big clue is their use of the tree and flower of life. Which would mean a 3d geometric shape roughly in a sphere. Emitting sound ie the word of god, and also creating a gravitational effect. The sun would be a perfect example.
This frequency is the same the sun emits.

Best answer:

Answer by Magic Goku Ninja
I don’t recall seeing that, but quantum physics does rock indeed.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

13 Responses to Q&A: What is God. What do they mean by God.?

  • tattooed.faery says:

    what bible are you reading?

  • apeman605 says:

    Ok, fine. God it is.

  • Joshua G says:

    They mean God. He is the one and only God. Believe it or not, God died on the Cross for our sins.

  • Who Am I ? says:

    I think its safe to say you are reading way too much into this. What “they” mean by God does not matter, its what God means to you!

  • toogethr says:

    God is a concept, a thought, an idea, in the human mind. Thats it.

  • shirley m says:


  • ???? is my God says:

    God himself told Moses the meaning of His name when he was sending Moses to the nation of Isreal whike they where enslaved in Egypt. “Nevertheless, Moses said to the [true] God: “Suppose I am now come to the sons of Israel and I do say to them, ‘The God of YOUR forefathers has sent me to YOU,’ and they do say to me, ‘What is his name?’ What shall I say to them?” At this God said to Moses: “I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE.” And he added: “This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘I SHALL PROVE TO BE has sent me to YOU.’” Then God said once more to Moses: “This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘Jehovah the God of YOUR forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has sent me to YOU.’ This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation.” Exodus 3:13-15

    God’s name is Jehovah and it means ‘I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE’. Jehovah, the God, Creator and Soveriegn of the universe is able to become whatever he needs to in order to fulfill his purpose, nothing is beyond him. He is the original Scientist and Mathmatician. He knows better then anyone the laws of the universe that he himself created and has performed every miracle within those laws.

    Edit: The following is a copy and paste from Wikipedia: “Tetragrammaton (from the Greek ??????????????, meaning ‘[word of] four letters’ (tetra “four” + gramma (gen. grammatos) “letter”), [1] refers to ????, a name used by the Hebrew Masoretic Text to refer to the deity of the Israelites. The Jewish conception of God holds that this is one of several names for the deity.”

    God’s name is not translated from the word tetragrammaton.

    The Tetragrammaton is a word of four letters. The words ‘love’ and ‘hell’ are tetragrammatons. The tetragrammaton of ????, or YHWH, happens to be God’s name.

    God’s name has never changed. It is the same now as it was in the beginning of mankind’s time on earth. No human today can be certain how it was originally pronounced because Biblical Hebrew was originally written with only consonants, no vowels. When the language was in everyday use, readers easily provided the proper vowels. In time, however, the Jews came to have the superstitious idea that it was wrong to say God’s personal name out loud, so they used substitute expressions. Centuries later, Jewish scholars developed a system of points by which to indicate which vowels to use when reading ancient Hebrewq, but they put the vowels for the substitute expressions around the four consonants representing the divine name. Thus the original pronunciation of the divine name was lost.

    As for what you were saying regardin pagan based cultures consider this: Adam and Eve knew the how God pronounced His name to them in the ORIGINAL language. Abel, Seth, Enoch and Noah were all considered to be God’s friends. They would have used his name regularly. After the flood the children of Noah’s sons were the only people on earth. No doubt they would all have taught their children about God and his name. Noah’s great-grandson Nimrod built the Tower of Babal and essentially created the foundation of Babylon. Nimrod’s mother thought he was the ‘promised seed’ that God spoke of in Genesis. She promoted the worship of her SON. Now when God divided the languages because of his disapproval of the building of the Tower and he wanted people to spread out upon the earth, the people likely took with them peices of the original culture, stories, important termonology, etc. So it is no wonder than that (1) there is a flood story in just about every culture on earth, (2) there is worship of the SUN in just about every culture and (3) many other cultures refer to YHWH in their native tongues.

    During the Coucil of Nicea pagan beliefs were melded into Christianity in an effort to please everyone. So it is no wonder that popular christianity of today reflects many aspects of pagan cultures.

    As for God’s name, well God can read hearts and he knows when his name his being abused and when it is being used appropriatly by those who love him and want to earnestly serve him. Just as we are not concerned when a small child makes the attempt to say our name and we find their mispronounciations endearing, our Heavenly Father, Jehovah, is not concerned by any mispronounciations those who lovingly serve Him might make. He told us that everyone who calls on His name would be saved. Since He is the God of love and mercy, I am confident that he will not condemn us for mispronouncing His name.

  • Staszek G says:

    So whats the thing you want to prove ?
    That God is something that has four gravities ?

    I think of God as a great ruler and philosopher but I didn’t see him yet im curious whats he’s like thought !

  • Jelaana says:

    as i understood it the first time i read it, it means a four lettered word?
    ‘[word of] four letters’ (tetra “four” + gramma (gen. grammatos) “letter”)
    i dont know much about origins and their meanings, but is it not possible that the force of gravity was some sort of metaphor having to do with the “power” of god? i think what you have come up with is quite elaborate, language is arbitrary anyway, there’s no use in putting so much meaning in something people made up.

    i have never understood though, why people spend their time getting caught up in technicalities such as this, but i also love to see christians proven wrong.

    in every civilization i can think of there is some evidence that they worshiped some god, i cant think of one that remained without religion. is religion a psychological need shared by all human beings? it seems like language, appearing anywhere that there are humans, varying greatly but achieving the same basic goal. just the face that so many different religions do believe in a “sky fairy” (lol) makes me think it must be total bs, born from superstition and such.

    people think whatever they want to think about god. rarely does anyone look for information other than info that backs up their original idea, rarely do they actually wish to find the truth.

    why dont we all flip a kitten and become god? then we can ask ourselves what god is and know.

    shamans rock

  • Shariputra says:

    I only read the first line of your question, so far.

    God could be an ideal.
    Like if you believed in “Val-land”, a paradise.

    Some people believe an ideal like that must really exist.

  • neo hippie says:

    interesting, i have a buddy who goes on and on about the flower and the seed of life, i always though he was just a crazy drunk…maybe i should take him a little bit more serious.

    here’s my concept of what “god” is.

    “god” is the creative force that sparked the big bang. because this force, or “god”, is divine, everything it created is divine; or at least contains the ability to be divine. “god” sparked logical creation.

    i feel that the phrase “man was created in the image of god” is referring to the logical side of the human brain. the world was created to work perfectly, divinely, by assembling matter in a logical fashion, so the divine part of man is his ability to reason logically. it has nothing to do with what he physically looks like, that’s the result of evolution.

    sin comes into play when man and woman had sexual intercourse for the sake of having intercourse, not to procreate. this opened the floodgates of emotion and desire…the illogical part of the brain. sins are commited when man ignores logic and reacts instead to the whims and wishes of emotion and desire.

  • yeshua2000 says:

    Sacred Geometry is very interesting and God put it everywhere in Creation. Many have tried to define the principles of sacred Geometry and how it is used in Creation. The Kabbalistic book, “Sefer Yetzirah”, or “Book of Creation”, tries to explain the very thing you are talking about.

    People tend to Anthropomorphize God so they can understand God in human terms. They try to attribute gender such as male or female also. God is not a Human. If I tried to put an attribute on God it would be divine intelligence, or intelligence/wisdom beyond human comprehension.

  • Miami says:

    Awesome! Thank you, I really enjoy things that make a person think about something they’ve never imagined. This would make sense as first understandings of God were attributed to the sun. I believe there is truth to be found in everything and it is cool when we find something like this.

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