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Question by bluevaporeon: What is the best spec for a shaman and warrior?
i am wondering for being able to kill things quickly. also what weapons should i use for a hunter (MM), and the warrior and shamans? dual wield? or 2hand axe for warrior and hunter? and for shaman? my shaman and warrior are only lvl 6 but i have a lvl 32 hunter.

Best answer:

Answer by julimel.nathan
for a hunter, a 2h axe does more dmg
(i have a lvl 70 hunter and i use that)

sorry can’t help w/ warr and sham…never had a warr and totally ditched my sham. >< good luck

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2 Responses to Q&A: What is the best spec for a shaman and warrior?

  • Squirrel says:

    For the warrior, go fury if you like to dual wield. Arms is good to. Don know about ret

  • Squ1rrel says:

    For Shaman, go enhancement. You will want to dual-wield for damage, due to the increased proc chances of the weapon buffs shamans get (Rockbiter, Windfury, Flametongue). Maces or axes are good here. For your hunter, use a 2h. Look for the stats, especially since you are MM, esp +agi/+stam. You will not be wanting to get up close and personal with that spec. The nice bonus attacks that are Chance On Use don’t really matter there.
    As for warrior, Fury does alot of damage, and they have a Dual Wield specialization. Plus, if you dual wield, you can swap out for a shield easily for those bad situations.

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