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Question by sweetness: What is the best tarot deck and book?
in your opinion of course.

Best answer:

Answer by Just Me
I’m partial to the Gilded Tarot. Also the Dragon Tarot. I’ve found that the best way to choose a tarot deck is to lay out three random cards and see if you can make up a short story to match what you see in the illustration. If you can’t, then that deck doesn’t spark your creativity.

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7 Responses to Q&A: What is the best tarot deck and book?

  • lupinesidhe says:

    The best deck for me is the Lord of the Rings deck. I know it’s cheesy and geeky, but if you knew me, you’d know why it works for me. (not based on the movies….I was not impressed with them)

    But that’s not the best deck for everyone. I did find a book a long time ago called Power Tarot. It had very general meanings for cards and several spreads and their uses. It was good though. Might be worth lookin in to.

  • mad cat says:

    there are many to choose from i found that if the cards and book are warm in your hands or if you fell the energy then that particular one is meant for you stick with that follow your in-stink and you will never go wrong

  • Terry says:

    The most rigorous and time consuming to learn to use correctly is Aleister Crowley’s “The Book of Thoth,” and the “Thoth Tarot Deck.” The work to learn its secrets is worth every moment of study.

  • Samantha E says:

    the waite deck as always worked for me… it’s universal and you can buy it pretty much anywhere… the magic is in the user, not the cards!

  • pagodapanicdog says:

    The Waite deck is best. Others are good for each individual taste. I like the Haindl deck and books. It is still fairly universal for users, but draws from many cultures, and mythology for its imagery and meanings. The books and explanations are not as narrow in focus as some decks that have to focus only on the “theme” of the deck. A good deck and accompanying books.

  • Lillith says:

    The best deck is one that YOU connect with and can relate too. I have several decks some I keep because they are art, some I actually read with. Those that I read with are themed to the things I know, enjoy & admire in life, for example the Legends deck which is about King Arthur and Camelot. I read every story there was about Camelot, so the deck is a good one for me.
    Books; I really got A LOT out of Mary K Greer’s book “Tarot for Yourself”

  • Spyderbear says:

    I own two decks. The one I learned with was the Aquarian Tarot. Not the easiest deck for a beginner. But I got it to work. The deck I use now is the Robin Wood deck. I bought my deck over 15 years ago, and it’s still available.
    The books I learned from may be out of print. The only one I can find (I have too many books!!) is The Tarot Revealed by Eden Gray. The other book is by the same author, but the name escapes me.

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