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Question by devotionalservice: What is the fabric of existence?
What is the nature of the fabric of material existence?

I am looking for metaphysical insight in simple terms.
A lot of interesting answers here. My thought is that material existence has an essential layer of karma. That is good karma, bad karma and neutral karma. External to karma is the modes of nature, “Guna”. The modes are goodness, passion and ignorance which could be represented as colors such as blue, red, and yellow when mixed create unlimited colors. The modes of nature could also be represented as qualities. And this is to put it simply.

Read Bhagavad Gita As It Is
A lot of interesting answers here. My thought is that material existence has an essential layer of karma. That is good karma, bad karma and neutral karma. External to karma is the modes of nature, “Guna”. The modes are goodness, passion and ignorance which could be represented as colors such as blue, red, and yellow when mixed create unlimited colors. The modes of nature could also be represented as qualities. And this is to put it simply.

Read Bhagavad Gita As It Is

Best answer:

Answer by gi_scarlet13
cotton?…oh wait, that’s “the fabric of our lives”…

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17 Responses to Q&A: What is the fabric of existence?

  • trueblue88 says:

    And I don’t even know what metaphysical means. I would say that the fabric of existence is the webbing that is created by each activity influencing another one. If I trip somebody and it ruins their day, they make somebody else’s day miserable, who it turn might do it to somebody else…and so on.

  • pchardbooter says:

    The fabric of existence is the weave by which life is said to be determined by but many threads change direction and go in different ways
    It is basically a theory of predetermined fate

    or if your talking atomically there are six qwarks that make up protons and neutrons and 57 particles that make up qwarks these 57 particles are said to be bonded into strings that make up everything

  • peachez says:

    knowing what is your purpose in life..realizing what really matters and whats good in HIS eyes…capice?!:)

  • videogamechaser2002 says:

    In my opinion, the fabric of existence is our own minds. We exist only because we believe we do. It’s very hard to put into words actually. Think of this, what is behind you without looking? Can you honestly say you know? Or can you only imagine what is there? This is the best example I can give. You think you know what is there, thus it exists within your mind. If you have a belief for what is in your mind, it must exist within your mind.

  • eroticohio says:

    The first thing you need to understand is that matter is energy. Albert Einstein gave us the equation for the conversion from one to the other. In our daily lives we think we know what the material world is, but we are mistaken. The fabric of existence is the feeling of Being. Of course this will take a bit of explanation. The basic thing that people don’t realize is that “Being” and “Nothingness” are complementary aspects of…something we don’t have a good name for, except perhaps “Buddha nature” or something of that sort. People think that “Nothingness” is just sheer absence without any potential, but this is a mistake. In fact, it is just the opposite: Nothingness is pure potential.

    A “Thing” is a determinate being, which means that it is what it is, and it can be distinguished from what it is not. A cat is what it is (a furry creature, etc.) and it is not something else (e.g., a chair or pencil). This is what it means for the cat to be a determinate being, and this constitutes the existence of the cat AS a cat. To exist is to be a determinate being – a thing that is what it is, and is distinguishable from other things.

    Nothingness (“No-thing-ness”) is indeterminate. It has potential to be many things, but it is not any thing in particular. In order for us to experience a cat AS A CAT, the cat must “step out” or “emerge” from Nothingness. It must become determinate. In order for this to happen, the “Nothingness” must “step back”. Nothingness is like the wood chips that are whittled away in the process of creating a sculpture. They make the sculpture possible, but in order for the sculpture to exist, this excess wood must “disappear.” In this analogy, the sculpture is a thing; the wood chips are not a thing – they are “No-thing.”

    But why do things step forward out of Nothingness? The quick answer is this: Desire. Existence “wants” to exist. What we call the emotion of ‘desire’ in our daily lives is a faint and metaphysically distance echo of this primordial desire at the heart of “Buddha nature.” The key thing to notice here is that desire is fundamental. Rationality is not fundamental. Rationality is derived from fundamental desire. This is why all attempts to capture the fundamental metaphysical essence of existence and Nothingness always leads to frustration of the logical mind – a sense of vagueness, contradiction, and mystery.

    Energy is the process of transition from indeterminate to determinate being, as seen from the perspective of a determinate being who focuses on the process AS A PROCESS. Matter is the process of transition from indeterminate to determinate being, as seen from the perspective of a determinate being who focuses on the process AS A SUBSTANCE. A process is intrinsically dynamic – like a whirlpool in a river; it simply wouldn’t be what it is if it were not moving. A substance is a process that is mistaken for an inert object. From a distance, a whirlpool might be mistaken for a chunk of stuff floating in the river. The concept of a “chunk of stuff” is mistaken. There simply is no such thing as a “chunk of stuff” at any level of reality. There are only processes, although from a distance certain slow-moving processes can appear to be chunks of stuff. But really, the fabric of existence is process. And what is a process? It is a feeling of Being. A process is a part of what Being feels like. Without feeling there would be no Being.

  • rockEsquirrel says:

    God is light. In God is Life. Albert Einstein postulated his theory of relativity (E=mc2), i.e., energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. Photons of light are said to have mass, and to travel our universe at about 186,000 miles per second. Existence is life, awareness, light, love. Looking for Reality, then look to God.

  • zentrinity says:

    wow, cool question…

    in simple terms-
    the nature of the fabric is LOVE, the physical expression is LIGHT, the world(s) is created my movement, VIBRATION

    but it depends on your perspective, as with all other questions.

    LOVE truly is all there is, however there can be, and is in our world very much resistance creating the illusion that- that which is not LOVE exists, – the world of relativity arises. the purpose is for that which is LOVE to know itself experientially.

    i agree with the one answer that said we create the fabric of our experience here- collectively, a matrix of thought that is the begetter of life here on the planet. the source from which all human exprience arises. and there are also many other “worlds” here- a plant world, a mineral world, etc…
    anyway- thoughts are the tools to our creative power.
    think on good things, and LIGHT, and LOVE


  • paradiseemperatorbluepinguin says:

    Matter, and the substances of Matter’s.

  • intwidemalem says:

    the realm of my reality

  • p_valdivez says:


  • Said says:


    Whatever you are conscious of is the fabric of existence.
    Is that simple enough?

  • peachyone says:


  • zephyrescent says:

    The fabric of existence is the ether of mind.

    The world is a jumbled chaotic mess, no shape of a keyboard in front of you, just a random assembly of plastic and metal. Until mind enforces itself on the chaos and creates order. This is the fabric of existence!!!

  • Lalasamayi says:

    Desire. What we desire determines our consciousness, and that state of consciousness creates our material existence – as a human, a pig, a dog or a worm…

  • Kyron S says:

    The will.

    Won’t you be what you will be?

  • cloudofchanel says:

    I think it’s seersucker.

    Sorry! It’s way too late for this sort of thing. I’m tired, therefore I exist.

    And a very good night to one and all!

  • vlpkipklp says:

    weeding out the bad and striveing for perfection

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