Question by Sara J: What is the fastest way to grow crystals?
Please tell me what I need to do (materials, instructions) to grow crystals but only in two days. Is this possible? Please help, its really important! 
Best answer:
Answer by pisgahchemist
By their very nature, it takes time to grow crystals. In fact the crystals that nature grows (quartz, calcite, barite, gypsum, etc) take thousands to millions of years to grow. In addition, the size of the crystals depends on the time they grow. Larger, single crystals take a long time to grow. Good luck.
You might get some help here:
And in particular:
These may be your best bet for a short amount of time:
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I’m not really sure. I know you can buy kits to grow crystals although I’ve never tried them so I don’t know how they work. If you want to grow proper crystals i.e amethyst etc then ‘m not sure you can they normally take millions of years to grow.
Could you please have a look at this Facebook group. It’s in support of a woman who has been jailed for killing her “severely brain damaged son” Please join it. She needs as much support as she can get.
if you want a uick and easy way with salt then follow this :
if you have alum follow this:
or this:
if you have epsom salt, then follow this:
or this:
hope this was helpful