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Question by Corey: What would happen if I went knocking on doors trying to teach people about shamanism or mysticism?
Excuse me Sir or Ma’am, My name is Corey and I want you to know the amazing world of being a mystic.

What would you do?

Best answer:

Answer by fireball226
doors would slam
I would say No thanks

Give your answer to this question below!

32 Responses to Q&A: What would happen if I went knocking on doors trying to teach people about shamanism or mysticism?

  • Barbara says:

    If you made it to my door, and that is not any kind of threat.. I have big dogs and when most people hear them bark they avoid my house like the plague… I would be polite and listen even if it was not something I would want to believe in myself.

  • sway_ii says:

    I would say no thanks, but have a great day.

  • Grand_Wazoo says:

    I have my moon in Aquarius. Supposedly that means my mind is 50 yrs in the future.
    I was talking” New Age” 30 yrs ago. And people breathed HELLFIRE and DAMNATION.
    Told me I was learning the WAYS OF SATAN!
    People listen.
    But I’m still not getting any FEEDBACK!
    A psychic told me it’s not cause people are stupid. I’m just
    taking them to another level, and their minds are trying to
    comprehend it.

  • hugenex2000 says:

    More people would learn about shamanism and/or mysticism? What I would do would depend on when you came knocking, at 3:00am I would most likely say, “Go Away”. If you came at 6:00pm I might invite you to dinner.

  • maryam k says:

    good question. people usually prefer to go and find out everything by themselves. as good as mysticism is, a lot of people wouldn’t want to know about it until the right time comes.

  • chris j says:

    i would invite you in,,,,assuming that my habits as a nudist do not make you uncomfortable..we could probally have a very long and
    informative discussion. that would probally start with..

    “so are you trying to make us look bad?”

  • tylerdurden says:

    I’ll kick you there were the jehova’s witness is laying.

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