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Question by Corey: What would happen if I went knocking on doors trying to teach people about shamanism or mysticism?
Excuse me Sir or Ma’am, My name is Corey and I want you to know the amazing world of being a mystic.

What would you do?

Best answer:

Answer by fireball226
doors would slam
I would say No thanks

Give your answer to this question below!

32 Responses to Q&A: What would happen if I went knocking on doors trying to teach people about shamanism or mysticism?

  • RJ says:

    With that face?

    I couldn’t help but laugh.

  • Dellow says:

    the one and only thing you should do live in reality and not in a fantasy world, google atheism

  • michaelsan says:

    You would probably get the same reception you give to those that are coming to your door now.

  • SharpGirl!! says:

    Some people would listen, some just slam their doors!

  • Oracle says:

    What makes you think I would do anything? Do you think it matters?

  • pickapart says:

    try it out for a few years, if you have the stamina.
    As I doubt that you would pursue such an activity for any serious duration, why not admit you are envious of those that have been so motivated to pursue door to door ministry that you or no one else like you has the balls to implement?


  • carlosc1dbz says:

    people dont like being bothered by people period,whether you are spreading your religious nonsense or your magical whatever it is your saying. LOL.

  • Sekkennight says:

    shut the door in your face…. No one likes strangers knoking on there door

  • amberandnicholas says:

    You would get burned at the stake…

    Just kidding. It wouldn’t offend me, but if you have ever been annoyed by unsolicited visits from witnesses or mormons, then you can just imagine how people of a more widely accepted faith would respond. The shock alone might bring about some undesirable reactions.

  • Victoria says:

    Same as I do with Jehovah’s Witnesses: I stand and chat and accept their literature, but let them know I’m not interested in converting at this time, but do have a good day.

    Dude, you should totally do that. That would be awesome!

  • nora22000 says:

    Me personally, I would give you the same treatment I give the Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness missionaries.

    However, some people I can think of would call the police!

    I suggest you give up this idea.

  • conradmex says:

    I would tell you that I am a Christian and I thought that you should repent..

  • Lt. Crumple says:

    I would invite you to come into my home…but I don’t think you would stay for long.

  • Renee L says:

    Same as what happens to jehova’s witnesses of mormons. Some will listen, some won’t

  • joe s says:

    wtf is your avatar

  • kerilynn says:

    WAIT: cause I wanna watch……….

  • gwhiz1052 says:

    I would say no thank you.That’s just me give it a go. Get walking.

  • I'm Scared! says:

    Well, you’d encounter lots of bored, horny housewives.

    What do you think the Jehovah’s Witnesses have really been doing all this time?

  • says:

    Looks like Jehovah got a competition. Sorry if I offended anny one.

  • alma says:

    Asking that question is knocking on doors,hoping someone who “gets it” will answer.”If I could make a difference in just one person’s life”.

  • RainbowSeer says:

    It doesn’t matter what it is, the result of door-to-door canvassing will always be the same. Most will annoyedly say no or make an excuse and shut the door in your face. Some will be more polite and some will be less polite. Then you will have a few who will go ballistic and scream and yell and want to call the police and about an equal number will welcome you in and convert.

  • coopchic says:

    When will u be in Hell I’ll try to make sure I am home…LOL..bring your sunscreen…!!!! i just realized u r the dog from the never ending story how cool…….i love that movie

  • Ravenhawk says:

    Where I live you would be shot. I really wouldnt care though you wouldnt bother me. Blessed be.

  • licrme says:

    I should aplause you!!! it would be nice, many people do not realize that all the rits that they do in church the incense, the altar, and all of that are based on witch craft, and they thing that its satanist!!! ja ja ja ja, you know if someone did that i think people would scream at you and wouldn’t listen but some would and some are curios and they would be open and far much people would have the chance to stop being ignorant!!!!!

  • chelsie t says:

    I have the feeling of God but I still find those who come teaching to doors annoying, regardless of beliefs even Christianity. They are just annoying. I would not open the door and act like I was not there. I don’t want strangers wasting my time. If I want to know something I’ll find out myself. People shouldn’t try to convert others. Let people make their own choices.

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