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Question by Jude: What would the 3 of Pentacles card mean as the final outcome in a tarot love reading?
I have encountered this in the past in love readings and still don’t know how to read it or preceive it. This was used using the celtic cross, as the final outcome position in a love reading. I know it pertains to teamwork and masonry, as well as genious and artistry, but I would like any insights as to how it is perceived in a love reading.

Best answer:

Answer by Dave P

You lucky dog.

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4 Responses to Q&A: What would the 3 of Pentacles card mean as the final outcome in a tarot love reading?

  • Father K says:

    Raise “all in”, especially if you have the 3 of cups and the three of wands in the hole. A set of threes is really good. BUT!! Don’t wait for the Turn card or the River. You want to try to buy the pot now.

  • Blitzpup says:

    you are destined to be re-incarnated as a three headed frog. 🙂 That spiritual enough for ya?

  • carole says:

    Perhaps if you have seen it before in other readings and relationships – perhaps it is your ideal in a relationship. Teamwork and masonry (building of a life perhaps) coupled with genius and artistry sounds pretty darn good to me for a final outcome in a tarot reading.

    I don’t know if this will help, but I have found this site to be interesting and maybe they can give you a different perspective:

    Maybe a new reading or a different decks interpretation of 3 of pentacles will help clarify. I have also heard that you can pull one more card at the end of a reading to summarize, but I have not tried that so much with tarot as runes.


  • zorbaziv says:

    The many different tarot decks will all portray symbolic imagery which must then pass through your psychic senses and, given the context of the questions asked, bring forth a tarot card meaning that significantly answers your question.

    If you are using Tarot cards as an oracle, you may be more inclined to read card meanings and spreads. But if using Tarot Cards as a tool for Psychic Ability you would be less likely to hold to any hard and fast guide lines. I’m a profession psychic and use Tarot Cards in a random way. In 25 years of professional readings I’ve never used any ‘meanings, spreads or reversals’ of tarot cards from any books.

    So if you want to develop ‘Psychic Ability’ throw the books and guidelines away and let the images inspire you. But you may need to try the Rider Waite or another imaged deck.

    I believe we are all psychic, but for the majority the gift or the belief has been long knocked out of them. Educated out is another way of looking at it. Many professional psychics have grown up in a psychic friendly environment. Perhaps a grand-parent or parent with the knowledge has helped bring the extra sense out in the open and encouraged its use. But there are as many practicing psychics who have not had the benefit of caring psychic guidance and who have still managed to develop and hone this natural extra sense. The Psychic Sense.

    You can use this four minute video as a brief meditation on the tarot that, repeatedly viewed, will help you learn how to read tarot cards psychically.

    To tap in to it more you can go to my free psychic development pages here:

    But on the other hand, if you want to use the Tarot as an oracle, a form of divination that needs no real ‘psychic ability’, then keep the books and use the meanings and spreads if you prefer.

    Here is a free download demo for a great Tarot program. To keep the size of the demo manageable it contains the Rider/Waite deck, the actual program will have 10 complete decks. This Demo version of Tarot is a full working copy for 30 days. So you get 30 days to study meanings and spreads!

    There are a couple of good documentaries about the Tarot on

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