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Question by The Reincarnation of Nostradamus: Where can i find a shaman?
i live in washington d.c and am in real need of some spiritual healing can anyone tell me of a shaman that can help me around my area preferably a shaman of native american decent or from the rainforest

Best answer:

Answer by Nick
You need a toltec shaman from mexico look it up

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4 Responses to Q&A: Where can i find a shaman?

  • Jane says:

    Have you tried the local rag?
    Better still have a google and see what’s available in your area.

  • PROBLEM JPAS A.R.T. says:

    Virginia Alter, Starsister – Washington, DC

  • Kanien:kaha'ka-[]-[]-^-[]-[] says:

    you can google a shaman or look one up in the news paper and guess what you will get? taken for money and made a fool. all you will find are frauds out to make a buck off gullible people.

    first of all…none of us have “shamans”. they are from siberia.

    secondly, our real healers and medicine people or whatever each nation has are ONLY found in our communities. they do not advertise or even call themselves healers. they are simply known as one by the people they serve and live with.

    real native healers only work within their communities for various reasons i don’t care to list on YA for all eyes to see. they also do NOT go around teaching non natives how to be “shamans” or medicine people in a month or even a year. they don’t teach non natives at all..period.

    so you can google or go with suggestions you have received but know this…you will receive a fake and a liar. i wouldn’t trust them with anything.

  • COA says:

    What does it matter where a shaman comes from? Good luck in your search as they are few and far between.

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