Question by ?: Where (in Ireland) can a go to witness real pagans having a real pagan ritual?
Im really interested in Paganism and I want to see a real live ritual and possibly talk to a couple of them.
Thanks. Answers much appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by Wolfechu II
Are you actually in Ireland? You’re aware the majority of the population are Christian, right?
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Ask Father O’Malley
If you mean the child sacrifice part, nobody is going to tell you that online. You’ll have to contact a local druid or witch.
I would google Winter Solstice Public Ritual and “your town here” to see what pops up.
**ADD** Buddy, you still live in the dark ages or something?? Please ignore the stupidity some have…pagans do NOT do sacrifices, especially blood sacrifices.
It depends on which religion you want to see and learn about. Going to and viewing the listing will help you greatly with Wicca but would be the worst resource for Hinduism. Your going to have to break down the word pagan a bit and state which ritual you want to see and learn about.
Real pagans tend not to advertise. Gardnerian Wicca was made up of whole cloth.
Abortion clinics engage in child sacrifice. Locate one of those.
There should be quite a bit of activity on the Solstice.
Here is a list of scheduled events for Ireland:
And here is a list of clergy:
I suggest that you contact a few of them and ask what
open rituals are scheduled. In addition, you should go to
the Witches Voice website, and use the search features
there. You may turn up some more listings.
Many Blessings,