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Question by Akash: Which is a better Tarot deck to buy for beginers?Rider Waite,Morgan Greer Or The Thoth?
Are the interpretations of Rider Waite and Morgan Greer are nearly same?

Best answer:

Answer by Sluggo
Who cares?

They’re all equally laughable.

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7 Responses to Q&A: Which is a better Tarot deck to buy for beginers?Rider Waite,Morgan Greer Or The Thoth?

  • choko_canyon says:

    Personally I prefer the Aquarian deck for the art. Rider Waite is simplistic and anemic and Thoth is self-important and pretentiously portentous.

  • HappySmiles says:

    All have differences as there is no Universal Tarot deck. The Tarot is effective for those that use a deck that they are “acquainted” with.

  • -FYOP- Ruler Of None -1111- says:

    Rider Waite is the best one to start out with …

    the interpretations are from you … people who read the tarot don’t follow the literal interpretations given …

    Find a deck that speaks to you … Rider Waite is a good place to start though …

    EDIT – Ignore the idiots … but I’m sure you already know that … bring on the TD closed minded morons … I could careless what you think about me or my beliefs …

  • Vintage Barbie says:

    Tarot cards are for children.

  • Tomo says:

    Depends on how gullible you want to be, but when I waste money on pointless crap I like it to be a relatively cheap experience – I have some magic wish stones for sale if you’re interested.

  • Michelle says:

    You need to find one that appeals to you.

    I actually have the Thoth deck because I feel closely tied to the Egyptian pantheon. My first Tarot deck was given as a gift from the one who taught me, and it was a fairy deck. I can use it, but it doesn’t feel right.

    Look at the images, and see which deck calls to you the most. The messages in each deck are the same, but the designs may speak to you more from one deck than another, and that can make a difference.

  • LilacPhileX says:

    I don’t know about Morgan Greer, but I have the Waite and the Thoth.

    I think that most decks are based on Rider Waite in some manner or another and it is a valuable system. I, personally, find the Thoth deck to be difficult, but it has a somewhat unique take on the symbols and how they are used and it is certainly a valuable system in it’s own right. I would say that Waite is the best beginner deck, even though Thoth is also a very good deck… it’s just not very beginner-friendly, IMHO.

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