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Question by rostov: Who many Christians realize they are doing pagan rituals during Christmas and Easter?
Christmas Trees? The word Yule? You think that has to do with birth of christ? Think again.

Easter eggs? Old Russian fertility stuff.

Best answer:

Answer by deborah w
Thankyou Mr Grinch

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17 Responses to Q&A: Who many Christians realize they are doing pagan rituals during Christmas and Easter?

  • paulywog says:

    right here I`m not blind; you are correct christmas is actually a babylonian thing

  • Indecent Exposure says:

    Good for you, ancient history lives on today! Long live the Pagans!

  • jeremiah h says:

    wow…who many??? come on, its just a tree. no one is going to hell for putting up a christmas tree.

  • neonvillage says:

    i do! however, i’m not sure i qualify as a christian.

  • christgoing says:

    I never really gave it much thought untill a couple of years ago but I’m putting it into practice this year. Not celebrating.

  • jabbergirl says:

    Christians do know about that, there is talk of it and some christians refuse to participate. I am Christian and I don’t think there is harm in celebrating christmas with trees and the like. I don’t celebrate the pagan part, and I mean delve into it. I also have always told my children that there isn’t a santa claus. That its just a fun story. We enjoy the spirit of christmas, and easter too.

  • mythkiller-zuba says:

    Surely they do.

    So where do you think Christianity originated but in the arms of Zeus the God of Gods and Father of Gods and men of Greek mythology?

    TRUTH IN THE BIBLE IS: “Well Master, thou hast said the Truth: for there is ONE GOD, and there is None other but He.” Mark 12:32
    The Gospel of Christ was preached before any disciple was named. (See Matthew 4:23, 9:35, 11:4 – 5, and Mark 1:14 – 15)
    The Gospel of Christ was preached without any mention of physical violence to the Messiah. (See Matthew 4:23-25, Chapters 5 – 10, 11:4 – 5, and Mark 1:14 – 15)
    The Gospel of Christ was preached without as much as a whisper of any crucifixion of any sort. (See Matthew 4:23, Chapters 5 –10, 9:35, 11:4 – 5, and Mark 1:14 – 15)
    Christ sent out his disciples who successfully preached his Gospel without mention of any physical harm coming to the Christ and without a word of a crucifixion of any sort. (See Matthew 10:1 – 42, Mark 6:7 – 13, Luke 9:1 – 10)
    Roman Governor of Jerusalem, Pontius Pilate, declared Christ innocent of all false accusations that were brought against him, (See Luke 23:4,14, 15, 22, John 18:38, 19:46)
    Roman Governor, Herod of Galilee, declared Christ innocent (Luke23: 15) making Christ a free man under Roman Power and Authority (Luke 23:20, John19:12)
    Three Gospels give evidence that Christ bore no cross and made no physical contact with the trappings of crucifixion. (See Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26)
    Three Gospels give evidence that one Simon of Cyrene, who was not the Christ, was made to bear a cross to Golgotha. (See Matthew 27:32-37, Mark 15:21-26, and Luke 23:26-38) and this indicates to us that there were three crosses on the way to Golgotha, none of which Christ carried.
    The Gospel of John alone gives evidence that the cross that was borne by Jesus carried the inscription, “JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS” (John 19:16-22).
    Two of the four Gospels have given us two crosses out of three with the inscribed name of “JESUS”. (Matthew 27:37, John 19:19)
    Governor Pontius Pilate was the author of the inscription and title of “JESUS KING OF THE JEWS” and this was therefore the official title of the crucifixion of two thieves by Roman authority. (John 19:19-22)
    The “Jesus” of the Gospels is not the Christ but the thieves who were crucified. The Christ was not crucified nor is Jesus the Christ, as the Gospel of John would have us believe, “That ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ”. (John 20:31)
    The name “Jesus “ is a Roman title and is not the name of the son of the virgin of Isaiah 7:14, and nowhere in the Gospels does the virgin name her child as Jesus.
    None of the four Gospels mention the presence of two thieves for crucifixion during the trials and the scourging, or before all three crosses arrive at Golgotha. (Matthew 27:38, Mark 15:27, Luke 23:33, John 19:18)
    It was only when the procession arrived at Golgotha that the Gospels came to realise that there were actually three crosses and that two thieves made the trip to Golgotha for crucifixion. (Matthew 27:38, Mark 15:27, Luke 23:33, John 19:18)
    “Jehu is King.” (II Kings 9:13) Jehu means “He is Jah” and Jehu was anointed “King over Israel.” (II Kings 9:12), making him Jehu Christ.
    There is no Jesus Christ in the Old Testament but there is a Jehu Christ, King over Israel (II Kings 9:2-3). Jehu translates He is Jah, but Jesus is a combination of Jah and Zeus and an attempt to make Zeus equal with Jah.
    Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23) is the name that was commanded for the Messiah, the son of the virgin, by the Lord, God of the Children of Israel.
    The name “Immanuel” is Hebrew for “God with us” while the name “Jesus” is not of the Hebrew language and is neither Greek nor Latin for “God with us” but combines Jah (Hebrew) and Zeus (Greek) to unite Jah with Zeus.
    The name of “Jesus” was Pontius Pilate’s officially declared and written name of the crucified King of the Jews, (Matthew 27:37, Mark 15:26, John 19:19-22).
    Pilate overruled Jewish objections to the name of Jesus that was officially inscribed on all three crosses and he left the inscriptions as they were (John 19:21).
    Nowhere, in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, does anyone make the claim, “I am Jesus” nor does anyone claim, “I am the Christ” nor does anyone claim, “I am Jesus Christ”.
    The name, “Jesus”, is used approximately 628 times in the four Gospels with 171 in Matthew, 95 in Mark, 100 in Luke and 250 in John.
    The title “Christ” is used 51 times in the four Gospels with 12 in Matthew, 8 in Mark, 12 in Luke and 19 in John.
    Jesus is therefore used just over 12 times as much as Christ in the four Gospels, with a ratio of 12.12 to 1. The number 12 is of great importance in the worship of Zeus the Sun God, with twelve months in the year being representative of the twelve disciples.
    Zeus is the Sky God that was worshipped by the Romans as the God of Gods and the Father of Gods and men, and it was among the priests and worshippers of Zeus that Paul and Barnabas performed their “miracles” and preached “the “Living God.” (Acts of the Apostles 14:12 –13)
    It was none other than Zeus the Sky God who is alleged to have spoken from the Midday Sun to Paul saying, “I am Jesus.” (See Acts of the Apostles 9:5, 22:8, and 26:15)
    Paul’s three accounts of his close encounter with Zeus in the midday Sun produced witnesses who saw and did not see the light, who heard yet did not hear the voice, and who stood yet fell to the earth. .” (See Acts of the Apostles 9:5, 22:8, and 26:15)
    The light of Paul’s Jesus from the midday Sun was “above the brightness of the Sun,” shone “round about” Paul and blinded him, yet he assumed that it came from the Heavens above, so Paul himself also saw yet did not see. .” (See Acts of the Apostles 9:5, 22:8, and 26:15)
    Zeus the Sky God and Father God speaks in a voice from the Sky at the Baptism of Jesus, “my beloved son,” while the Holy Spirit descended “like a dove.” (Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22)
    Jesus is described with the features of Zeus the Sky God at the Transfiguration as “his face did shine as the Sun, and his raiment as white as the light” (See Matthew 17:2),
    Jesus is described with the features of Zeus the Sky God at the Transfiguration, “And his raiment became shining exceeding white as Snow (See Mark 9:3)
    Jesus is described with the features of Zeus the Sky or Weather God at the Transfiguration, “And there was a cloud that overshadowed them”, (with the unmistakable voice of Zeus) “and a voice came out of the cloud saying, this is my beloved son” (See Mark 9:7)
    Jesus transforms into Zeus the Sky or Weather God at the Transfiguration, “his countenance was altered and his raiment was white and glistering” (See Luke 9:29), “and there came a cloud and overshadowed them” (Luke 9: 34) “and there came a voice out of the cloud” (Luke 9:35), and all of this is in a meeting with Elisha (or Eliseus of Luke 4:27).
    The name, Jesus, is a combination of Jah and Zeus as The intention of Governor Pontius Pilate to match the false charges made by the Biblical Jews that he made himself a God and a Son of God. Jah is the God of Israel while Zeus is the God of pagan Rome.
    The Angel at the tomb is none other than Zeus, with the same features as Jesus (Jezeus) in the Transfiguration; “His countenance was like the lightening and his raiment white as snow.” (Matthew 28:3)
    “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.” (Matthew 5:29), meaning, I cant save you. You have got to save yourself by your own hands and your own effort.

  • Morning Gloria says:

    If we have been here on R&S Yahoo Answers for more than ten minutes, we all do. Sir…I am going to go have a great Christmas, go to church, take communion, give gifts, laugh at the kids when they open gifts from Santa and in general celebrate the birth of Christ. I do not care if it WAS a pagan ritual, its mine now and I am a Christian. MG

  • Abu Haya says:

    Christianity, today, got influnced by many ancient cultures, including Greek philosophy.

    What about vampires against a cross?
    Vampires never existed, just a myth.


  • Esther J says:

    First of all it is How not Who..

    And it is no longer Pagan…. when you do it for the Glory of God… as in the word ” To turn what is bad to good for the Glory of God”

    However it is bad if you are worshiping these false idols.

    I celebrate Easter without the Eggs.. It is a chosen day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

    Christmas Tree…. has nothing but stars and I have the Nativity Set and that is all.

    I have worked to replace what is not right in my life for the Glory of God!

    That is all that is expected of us.. To turn everything around for him.

    Therefore.. just do the right thing and dont focus on the bad.

  • michinoku2001 says:

    I think most Christians realize that Christianity (and it’s attendant traditions) has adopted aspects of other faiths. I don’t think very many people feel that Christmas trees or Easter eggs were endorsed by Jesus or Paul.

  • robbobrulz says:

    The pagan rituals were adapted into Christian tradition to make it easier to convert others. For example, when you try to convert others on YA, do you use English or French? Yes, you use English because everybody here understands it. The same logic lies behind the reason for adaption of pagan rituals.

  • Prof. Lee says:

    You meant How many. Well not many, most Christians just follow their leaders. They don’t follow what the Bible says. Neither Jesus nor His disciples ever told the Christians to celebrate His birthday. Only His death and resurrection in Baptism and The Lord’s Supper.
    25th of December had always been celebrated by the pagan nations as the birthday of the Sun God, and Easter is actually the birthday of Istar, the goddess of fertility. That’s why the symbols of eggs and rabbits. Those are only two pagan traditions which crept into the church after the death of the disciples. Other things are the worship of the Queen of Heaven and her baby, which in Egypt was Isis and Horus. It was originated in Babylon.
    All has the trademark of the Sun worship. The statue of the mother and child had been worshipped in all ancient nations such as Babylonians, Egyptians, Hindus, even Chinese and Japanese.

  • Concerned says:

    Amen! Now, where does the Flying Spaghetti Monster fit into Christmas? I see a new trend coming for Christmas dinner!

  • Stephanie says:

    If you don’t celebrate it…it shouldn’t matter

  • joseph says:

    It doest matter, what matter is we celibrate the birth of jesus christ who saves us from our sins…………………………………..

  • DougLawrence says:

    That which we do in the name of Christ, to honor the one, true God ceases to be anything but Christian.

    Get over it already!

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