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Question by seeker of answers: why am i the only one who seems to able to tell this person is a fake?
I know a person who claims to be a shaman, however this is where his claims should be pretty apparent that he is a fake, he claims to have trained under a native american shaman however shamanism is Siberian not native american, he makes many false claims and his falseness is so obvious to me it’s not even funny yet everyone else thinks this guy is legit.

why am i the only one who can see it?

Best answer:

Answer by Made From Embryonic Stem Cells
There are no shamens that are real – they are all counting on the placebo effect to cure their victims.

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8 Responses to Q&A: why am i the only one who seems to able to tell this person is a fake?

  • jcsaves316 says:

    because sadly, you are the only one who cares. Make your concerns about Jesus and you will become royalty. God Bless

  • El Conqistador says:

    Shaman is now the generic term for what we used to call a witch doctor. All animist religions have such a person. That doesn’t make him legit, or anything, but the terminology isn’t going to get you anywhere.

  • Alex says:

    The vast majority of humanity is composed of fools who pay more attention to whether something comes from an authoritative-looking speaker than if what they’re saying has any grounds in reality or logic. This should be visible to anyone, regardless of your political, philosophical, or religious beliefs, and I congratulate you on being able to recognize a charlatan when you see one.

  • BuddhaFan says:

    u c the truth

    all these ppl are make believe and if u believe u r their prisoner

  • FireShade says:

    A lot of people don’t understand what a shaman is to begin with. “trained under a NA Shaman” is definitely a give away for anyone who knows that Native Americans do not use the term Shaman… Some actually get upset if you do. The closest thing to what they are called is “Medicine man”… and I don’t think that’s a very good translation of it.

    Like I said, most people don’t know that NA’s don’t call their spiritual leaders “Shamans”. But taking into consideration all the movies, tv shows and fluffy books about “shamanism” to begin with… it’s no wonder people don’t know much about these things. If it’s not on the screen in front of them or in their favorite “magic” book, then they are not going to learn about it.

  • Lakota Dream says:

    First off, I want to applaud you! Your the first person I ran across that doesn’t claim that Shamanism is Native American, of course it isn’t, but many would normally argue with the real Natives.

    There are many people like this, that claim such BS, but of course with everyone in this world so uneducated on Native Americans, they are quick to believe everything someone “claims”. I highly doubt your “the only one” that believes he’s legit, I’m pretty sure every Native in here would agree with you….

    New agers and wann-bes are a nuisance, they try to pass themselves off as Native or Native-taught, which in any case, no real Native would ever teach anything to a non-native, NEVER!

  • Sarah says:

    Lakota Dream took the words out of my mouth. It seems rare these days to come across a non-Native who knows the truth about shamans. Well done, Seeker of Answers.

    I think people believe what they want to believe. Most are not like you and they prefer to live in ignorance, believing Natives are mystical beings who practice magic, have shamans, spirit animals, and whatever other non-sense they hear from their non-Native friends or see on movies like Twilight. It’s easier, and most likely more fun, to believe things like this than to learn and accept the truth.

    I’m sure you are not the only one who knows this guy is a fake. I can spot a fake Native from miles away, as can most other Natives. And I’m sure that there are other people like yourself out there that can spot them too. Use your knowledge to educate those who have been misinformed. And never feel bad for calling it the way you see it. Personally, I would call that person out and tell them they are full of crap and his title of “shaman” proves that he knows nothing of Native ways.

  • Kanien:kaha'ka-[]-[]-^-[]-[] says:

    you aren’t the only one. as a native i can spot a fake easily. takes all of a couple minutes. there are some in YA who claim to be shamans and other things to make themselves seem special. the gullible believe them.

    the really funny ones are those who claim to be from the same nation as me but can’t name a single clan mother or chief. funny eh?

    liars are liars. sucks t be them i suppose or they would simply be who they are.

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