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Question by God’s Deserted Orphan 🙁: Why did Christians burn Pagan temples and burn Pagan scriptures and convert Pagans by force? Was that “Godly”?

Best answer:

Answer by LyssQ
No, but since when has that ever stopped anyone?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

20 Responses to Q&A: Why did Christians burn Pagan temples and burn Pagan scriptures and convert Pagans by force? Was that “Godly”?

  • Matthew says:

    You are talking about Roman Catholics, not Christians.

  • °•.Røwan.•° says:

    No. It is about power. And they realized it’s easier to control people by feeding their fears

    @ Matthew – Christianity was ONE back then. Catholic. I know you might not like to hear that, but denominations sprang AFTER the Protestant Reform. History 101

  • Haiguiz Lul says:

    Well the Christians of those times had to get followers somehow didn’t they? Because no one was buying that sh*t back in the day.

  • True-fine Momma says:

    I just can’t imagine (personally) that God wouldn’t greatly oppose a person so one-sided. The Rennaisance artists celebrated Leo and Ambrose because despite horrible persecution and the murder of children they did NOT retaliate, and Ambrose expressly forbade it.


  • moortoo says:

    because they were and remain uneducated thugs I give you the protests at funerals of soldiers in the US George Bush and his pursuit of Gog and Magog and of course the burning and picketing of abortion clinics

  • cHeAp_ShOt says:

    Why don’t you know the difference between person’s called Christians and those who follow Christ?

  • James says:

    in order to reach my children at times ,sometimes i have to get rid of those that are trying to stop me from saving them,i still do it today,want to try to stop me?practice the holy rosary,practice makes perfect,we love you all,the holy family.

  • sanatan says:

    why they did I don’t know but the sad part is that they are still doing..
    Now not by burning but by using money……….

  • basement cat says:

    because the more followers they had, the more tithe money went into the church. it was all a business venture.

  • ninetailedfoxgoddess666 says:

    It was to the christians, but to us Pagans it was downright cruel. Oh, as an added bonus, christians whine about being martyrs to their faith, it made the Pagans martyrs to theirs.

  • The Garden of Eartha™ly Delight says:

    It was very like their god…murderous, intolerant, misogynistic and ruthless. So yeah…quite godly, if your god happens to have a narcissistic personality disorder.

    And theirs does.

  • LottaLou says:

    Christians didn’t do that. Unless the pagans turned to Christ & were born of God & saved, so & burned the idols of their past life.

    Christians can’t convert anyone. The real conversion is when one is born of God.

    John1:12+ But as many as received Him [Jesus Christ the Lord], to them gave He Power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His Name:
    13 Who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

    When peoples souls are born spiritually this is the real conversion. People then say ‘I was blind [spiritually] but now I see [spiritually]. I was lost but now I’m found. I was bound in my sins, now I am delivered from my sins.

    So if real Christians were burning down Pagan temples… then they were probably disobeying God. But real Christians do burn their old pagan books.


    Did you know that Muslim gangs martyred 500+ Christians & torched their Churches… just last March in Nigeria? in Voice of Martyrs news.

  • Cinnamon Girl says:

    Guess you never read Foxes Book of martry’s for years pagans killed Christians and in order to get you pagans to even think of converting the Catholic church had to try to mix pagan beliefs with Catholic beliefs to even get you to think about converting, this is so sad, that the Catholic church had to go to such extremes to get pagans to even convert!!!!

  • PROBLEM JPAS A.R.T. says:

    Rotten times. You do know that Pagans raided the monasteries and tortured and killed everyone that they ran into. Life was cheap.

  • holdonloosely says:

    No, it was hypocritical. They wanted power.

  • Trish T says:

    Maybe because the Old Testament has God telling his people to do the same thing.
    Actually, I always thought it was mean and evil of them (and Him) to do these awful deeds.
    And it was confusing for to read about God’s people doing the burning and killing because their God told them to.
    I was told that I just didn’t have the brain power or discernment to understand what God was doing and why.
    He’s always right and all.
    Still confused about this, actually….
    Good question, though!

  • Priscilla ? says:

    Because they were ignorant. I find i disgusting they had destroyed beautiful cultures like that just because they were different. The Pagan cultures have given the world some of the best architecture and art the globe will ever see. And probably a great percentage of that was destroyed by invading religions.

  • hay says:

    I don’t believe that they were true Christians. More like uneducated and misguided barbarians
    Using the Cross to justify the ignorant behavior.

  • bad tim says:

    they had to destroy the evidence of where they got all their ideas.

  • Hatikvah JPA says:

    Same answer they use for all Christian atrocities (Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust) — the perpetrators weren’t “real” Christians. They only “called” themselves Christians. Of course, Catholics aren’t “real” Christians either — the “real” Christianity appeared with anti-Semitic Martin Luther in the 16th Century.

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