Question by Rev. Kip: Why do you think cult members confuse the trinity with a Triad?
I often times hear cult members saying that the trinity has Pagan roots. However no Pagan religion in History has ever worshiped a Trinity. They have only worshiped Triads.
Why do you think Cults confuse the Trinity with a Triad?
Best answer:
Answer by IslandLady
The biggest cult in the world believes in the trinity.
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because nobody wants to explain the Trinity in a understandable and logic way.. if it is possible to
most cults just ignore it completely……..
as I understand it
the trinity is a Hindu concept
which does predate Christianity a great deal
I just looked it up, they have nearly the same definition.
Trinity: three people (or entities) considered as a unit.
Triad: a set of three similar things considered as a unit.
Christianity obviously adopted that concept from ancient pagan religions.
Who cares? Not me!
I realize that you think this question is really important, but in the long view, it really isn’t, because no one can really describe God. The Trinity is a convenient way to attempt to understand Him.
either way the trinity has no biblical, logical basis. its taking the bible out of context.
It’s hard to pay attention to your questions after it came to light that you posted this:
EDIT: Looks like the administrator of that site removed it. It was Rev. Kip claiming to be married to another R&S user and discussing their sex life. The R&S user didn’t even know who Kip was.
the more important question is, where are they keeping the kool aide? i just walked miles to get here, and damned if i am not thirsty.
I think alot of people confuse it my dear Kip. And for this question, you will get alot of hateful answers, good luck wit dat.
what cult are you talking about ?? I have not come across that.
I wish you would have given your explanation of the trinity . I dumped the Christian church because of my inability to understand the trinity , which is the center-post of the Christian church . Shamrock leaves , eggs , and all the other foolishness does not tell me how three people can be one person , or how one person can really be three separate people ( not the incorrect “persons’) .
Not real sure, however I do know that all pagan religion roots back to ancient Egypt, starting with Enoch, son of Cain. It was this Enoch that built the pyramids. That is what I believe. The spiritual war with Lucifer started in the garden of Eden, and worship of false gods started with Enoch. Worship of Astronomy and Astrology started with the great pyramids of Giza. Freemasonry is traced back to the pyramid and the all seeing eye of Horus, ancient egyptian god. So maybe it just has something to do with Tri-angle. Sacred Geometry first taught by Enoch, and the Anunnaki.