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Question by Stung: Why does the NWO/Secret Society’s try to place its members in Executive, Judicial, & Legislative branches?
Why does Satan’s Secret Society try to control large and small corporations which hire and employee so many people?

Why does this underworld secret society try to set its members up in management positions including but not limited to human resources who hire and fire? Is it so this underworld government can force people to worship there many demons one including Satan and try to control society through intimidation, threats, and false accusations?

Have you discovered how this “Secret” Society has placed occult material into society in the form of games and or practices to try and spiritually enslave society with witchcraft / demonic forces Revelation 13, 10? Are Ouija boards, tarot cards, sorcery, witchcraft, astral projection, dungeons and dragons, mirror gazing, channeling, or magic art (which is the precursor to transcendental meditation and the Secret ceremony used for distributing the spiritual mark of the beast) only a few methods they use to deceive, enslave and control society?

How many people have been through the NWO’s secret ceremony performed through transcendental meditation assisted with witchcraft where you were forced or seduced into accepting the worship of one of there many “Gods”? Did they say that in accepting the worship of one of their “Gods” you accepted the worship of them all? Was one the Devil, did they call another one Jesus, but seemed to have a “Demon” for every occasion? Shhhhhhhh it’s a secret!!!! What better way is there to bring all religions of the world together under one banner of 666?

Do these practices cause a unholy baptism, the manifestation of the spirit of sin, or curse? For Christians these are strictly forbidden. Is the spiritual mark on the forehead symbolic for those who receive the mark and after that do nothing except worship when told to do so. By this I mean they just receive the mark and keep there mouths shut about how this NWO is distributing the spiritual mark of the Beast 666 and enslaving society? Did Hitler make it fun at first to be a Nazi? Is the mark on the right hand / soul symbolizing those who receive the mark then after that work for Satan as employees, the mark of servitude? What do you think? Have you run into the Nazis Within the Order / Satan’s Secret Society and received your spiritual stamp 666 and one way ticket to horror and pain for eternity?

Why is it you don’t see people using the Horn sign anymore to hale Satan like they Nazis did to hile Hitler? Is it because Shhhh it;s a secret? Are those the keys the NWO is passing out for its members to get into Hell? They are aware these keys only get them into Horror & Pain they don’t get them out, Right? Did you get your spiritual stamp 666 and one way ticket into the fire of damnation were men will weep and gnash their teeth for eternity? The NWO is passing them out; in fact, they insist you accept it!!!!
What do you get when you put the “Free” Masons & Associates, Mafia & Associates, New Age + All witchcraft cults together? Do you get a sick, sick, sick family reunion (666)?
Susanna go on a fast or stick your head in holy water or something! Do you realize how rediculouse what you say is? Do you think God will throw us in Horror and pain for eternity for worshiping him on sunday? Sheees Look for this, every day is Holy to the Lord!!!!
Merry Christmas I wont report you “THIS” time go in peace! Later Day Saints shee’s

Best answer:

Answer by Edvado
It’s all a VAST conspiracy!

What do you think? Answer below!

11 Responses to Q&A: Why does the NWO/Secret Society’s try to place its members in Executive, Judicial, & Legislative branches?

  • Michael K says:

    Here, have a free tin-foil hat.

  • Poppy Seed says:

    To give conspiracy theorists something to talk about.

  • Dad411 says:

    Your theory is so 1985.

  • TDMMDI says:

    If they were as serious as you say they would have succeeded with their plan when Constantine was in power.

  • Citizen Justin says:

    Don’t believe what you read about the NWO. As a full-time member of the New World Order for the past 20 years, I can state in all honesty that we are an equal-opportunity employer who embrace diversity and have as our mandate ‘Putting the customer first’.

  • Ktulu says:

    It’s really simple actually. If you want to rule the world, you are gonna need to have connections in high places, being military, politics, media, production, health, business. By doing so, you have ties with all things; you can even be so connected with someone who has the power to filter media on a news channel with a large audience, that you can distort the peoples minds to follow your beliefs. And when the people freak out, you have the politicians to calm them down, and feed them lies. If all else fails and riots break out, you control the military, and all enforcement to put “order” back into place the way you see fit.

  • Salvador says:

    well if you’re wanting to run the government those are the three branches it is composed of and you’d probably be best off infiltrating all three branches to counter the checks and balance system in place

  • Grog says:

    Simple, they want power, and the best way to do that is to infiltrate the gov’ts of world superpowers and centralize the global power structure(which they’ve already done). The sad thing is, if you want to enslave someone, it’s more effective to give them everything they want instead of taking them by force. Go to Walmart around the holidays and tell me I’m wrong…

  • jjt says:

    either you just aren’t seeing straight or you are one of them. because I see political figures give the horn sign almost every day. and you have most of your facts incorrect

  • Susanna says:

    for the up coming sun day law my friend…take a geuss at how many shall accept the mark…ALL who attend already on sun day dear….MANY shall be decieved, even the elect…God Bless
    ….May 31, 1998 John Paul II issued an Apostalic Letter named Dies Domini “The Lords Day”
    section 67 (yeah it’s long) says: Christians will “naturally strive to ensure the civil legislation respects their duty to keep sunday – holy.”

    from the converts cathechism pg. 50: Q: which day is the Sabbath day? A: Saturday is the Sabbath day. Q: why do we observe Sun day? A: because the church changed the day from Saturday to Sunday.

    there was NEVER a command from Jesus to do so.

    Of course, the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act. And that act is our “mark” of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters. James Cardinal Gibbons

    Sunday is our “mark” of authority…the church is above the Bible, and the transferrence of the Sabbath day observance is proof of that fact. Catholic Record, Ontario, London, Sept. 1, 1923

  • TheMadProfessor says:

    Does anyone else find the idea of Stung reporting someone else mind-bogglingly ironic given his repeated posting of stupendously stupid questions?

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