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magical sex
by -kÇ-

Question by im me:P: Why is 14 to young to have sex?
I mean I just dont get it, what if there is protection, and its with some one you love, i mean truly love, and you think could last a long time, why is it to young? People dont get pregnant everytime you have sex. And isnt it suppose to be something good and magical? If theres protection, and love, does age matter that much? is there something im missing?

Best answer:

Answer by Amanda T
Because sex can have some VERY serious results. Results that ADULTS should handle. 14 is too young to know what you want and what youre doing. You cant even drive a car! You think youre old enough to risk getting pregnant or getting an STD?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

26 Responses to Q&A: Why is 14 to young to have sex?

  • M says:

    Because there is so much emotion that goes with it. You only lose your virginity once, and most likely no matter what you say and how much you “love” this guy and he is the one. ITS A BUNCH OF BULL AND YOU WILL BREAK UP AT SOME POINT. And just cuz you use protection, doesn’t mean you can’t get STDs or get pregnant. Sometimes people do get pregnant THE FIRST TIME. Sometimes people do get STDS THE FIRST TIME.

    Plus you said you think your “love” could last a long time. ITS NOT GOING TO NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK. DON’T BE AN IDIOT AND THINK IT WILL CUZ IT WON’T.

  • Rick B says:


  • ~*Kathryn*~ says:

    Cuause you’re young and your brain is not developed and you don’t even know what love is at 14.

  • sweetygirl says:

    i guess if you think you want to you can. or if your pretty immature then just go for it. its really up to you and itf its with protection it should be ok. dont care what others say and sex isnt a bad thing,unless you get stds and all that crap. but people think 14 is to young cuz they think 14 yr olds are still little kids or not mature yet

  • shoegal22 says:

    I don’t think you can truly be in love at 14. I believe you can think you’re in love, but you can’t possibly have experienced the closeness and trust in a loving relationship, stuff that comes with age and experience. At 14 you’re not mature enough to know what you’re doing… Don’t do it. You’ll regret it in years to come.

  • CC says:

    Technically, you shouldnt have sex until you feel ready to raise a child. You are correct that you shouldnt get pregnant if you use protection but there is always, ALWAYS, a possibility. And if you do get pregnant, you must be mature enough to handle it in a safe and responsible way. That is why having sex at 14 is often frowned upon.

  • *~*Volleyball player*~* says:

    well the thing i think your misssing is the fact that its your first time and most times you will not be with that person for the rest of your life so do you want to waste your first time on something like that.

  • abhi18033 says:

    if u lose ur virginity early everyone will consider u as a slut cuz ur so easy to get with. can’t u just wait a while? ur not mature enough and that’s why.

  • Koty says:

    ok first of all birth control of any kind doesn’t work every single time! and you don’t know what you are doing. it may look like love but could only be lust. and if you do get pregnant you or the baby could die. or you might not be able to raise it…and the main one is if it doesn’t work out then everyone in school caould find out and you could become the school whore!

  • XxPepper Avenged = Anti-JonasxX says:

    these days there is a higher risk of getting pregnant…even adults have their “accidents” exactly its supposed to be magical..if your with the person you love…whats wrong with waiting a few more years? How can you be soo sure your gonna stay together in that time?

  • Giants ROCK!!! says:

    well, if your parents dont mind you getting pregnant at an early age, then whatever!Hey, you THINK the relation ship could last a long time, but then, he could be using you just to get some ass and then dump you!you never know what could happen!

  • courtney h says:

    First of all you dont have to have sex just because your in love!! there are other things to do!! and 14 is too imature anyways to have sex and all that!! just wait and respect your self! dont be a slut! you got lots of time ok just wait till your older and with the right guy!

  • sabrina says:

    if its done after marriage then its ok – and you dont hav to be 30+ or 20 something to get married. marriage has lost its meaning nowadays and its just percived as something boring there is nothing wrong in marrying early being that the girl and and the guy is mentally mature.

  • una_linda_lokita says:

    because you are too young to understand love, you just dont know what real life is, it seems so easy to you but you arent prepared for real. moreover, getting pregnant, even though having a good protecion, is a real risk: are you prepared for raising a child? so you arent prepared for sex either, is as complicated and heavy like that.

  • Rinnay says:

    it doesnt matter, its just parents are just trying to hold there kids close, all sex is, is pleasure. the only thing bad about sex is the consequences you face if you are not smart and dont use protection.

  • soccer chic says:

    if u have sex at a yound age u will suffer emotionaly and wish the rest of ur life wishing u hadent done it at such a young age!!!!!!!!!!1

  • parkplaceisfun says:

    I really don’t think 14 is too young if you really love someone. But just know if your old enough to do that than you have to be old enough to be responsible.

  • Amy G says:

    Because at 14 your are not either physically or emotionally actually mature enough for sex. Even though at 14 you THINK you are all grown up and because you are having your period so you know everything is working… and your hormones are going NUTS saying “DO IT!! DO IT!!”… I know, because I was 14 when I lost my virginity… and now having a 14 yr old myself (a child I mean) I know that it was risky and stupid and I was NOT ready. Most likely you’ll do whatever you choose to do… even if you know it’s not right… but if ever you listened to anyone, I would suggest waiting at least until you’re 16. Most females are emotionally mature by about 16 years old. If you don’t wait, please, just be careful!!

  • hankindenmark says:

    maturity. at 14 the human brain is neither fully grown or fully in control of some young emotions. and simply stated enough the body hasnt matured enough either. chemically a females body producces more estrogen after sex or any sexual activity for that matter. after sex the brain releases another chemical that causes a stonger affection of the person but tests show that the chemical has the ability to cause teriible judgment when it comes to descisions concerning the partner. for instance if a girl is in a sexual relationship and she is not enjoying it or unhappy the chemical makes her 3 or so times as likely to stay with that man simply because the chemical clouds judgement. if someone who seriously is 14 is writing this i beg you wait a few more years. i was your age once i know what its like but come on wait a little bit longer.

  • DoJo says:

    because 14 year olds have no idea what true love is, and you shouldn’t have sex at any age if your not responsible enough to have a kid. most 14 year olds i know, would not be able to. And no matter what protection you use you still have a chance of getting like crabs and herpes. I’m 14 and i would never have sex. I’m not that stupid, got to much to live for, for that big of a risk. My brother thought just like you and he dropped out when he was 15 after he got his gf prego when he thought he was “safe”.

  • omg like lol, too funny! says:

    omfg, dont listen to all these ppl!!!!! you can have true love at 14!!!! they dont know what its like at this age!!!! they may think they do but they dont, we know what true love is…the feelings and emotions you get when yoou think or see that person, but im not saying you should have sex, cuase you could actually get prego or get a std, so watch out, and like i saw someone else say, you only loose your virginity once so loose it wisely, just stick to makeing out, masturbating, and other stuff you want to, just not sex, or oral, cuz you could get an std from that too!

    p.s im the same age as you so i know how you feel

    age 14 girl power!!!!!!!!!!! lolz!

  • Crissy B says:

    you sound like such a child and im 13 and tellin u this u dim wit u know wat do wat u want then wen u get pregnant u’ll understand do u honestly know how thin a condom is and that even with the condom in on it doesn’t stop u from gettin sexually tranmitted deases such as crabs or gonorea.
    U know what there is honestly know point in explaining this to a idiot like u. When u honestly have matured and are ready to have children then start havin sex u stupid person!!!! u not educated wat so ever.

    i so know ur gonna end up as a pregnant teen

    Sex is serious u don’t plaY WITH it like it’s a toy.

  • kaylah c says:

    little gurl thats a sin u dont do taht unless u can go get a job and get married and make decisions 4 urself then u go on but u know i hope god gets u 4 that bcuz first its a sin and 2nd i hope god gets u bcuz u went against his word and we dont behave that way in the body of christ and u know u need 2 stop saying u love him while ur 13 thru 17 bcuz sooner or later he will break up with u and u will b crying so cut it out

  • WithLove says:

    If you wanna have sex, you gotta be prepared for everything that goes along with it. Be prepared to get pregnant and raise a child. Be prepared to have an STD. Be ready to be judged by other people. You have to be prepared for what could happen when you start having sex.

  • beautifulangel says:

    Ok first of all it does matter with age when it comes to sex and love, because your 14, u can be wanting to have sex wit a 16yr old. at that are a 16 yr old boy might lie just to get into ur pants, specaly if ur a virgan. but people say ur too young because ur not prepard, you need to do research, read about sex, periods, pragnacy, pertection. know how it works, and all the detail. but if you know ALL of that, and you know BOTH of you are in REAL love. i dont see anything wrong. 12 year olds are having sex now in this new millinium. (idk why so young but its happening) and just cause u took sex ed dosent mean you no every thing. you need to do ur own work, talk to a doc, goto the library, do a repert project just for yourself. learn about lubs, jellys, why u need not saying dont have sex, but im not saying have sex. just be prepared to raise a kid if u get pregnat or have the curage for abortion or is HE willing to stick by ur side if u get pregnant or take pills everyday of ur life because u had sex with someone u thought u trustest. think and know of what ur wanting to do. good luck with whatever choice u choose.

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