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Question by Sage: Why isn’t ‘Easter’ called Resurrection Day?
Easter or Eastre is a Saxon Goddess of fertility. A so called pagan ritual of spring. Why is she still celebrated if this day is supposed to be the Christian basis of faith; the resurrection of Christ? Which is it that we believe and what are we really celebrating?
BTW that’s why we have Easter eggs and bunny rabbits. They represent the cycle of life. The fertile egg and the virile rabbit.

Best answer:

Answer by Mastermind
Easter has a cooler sound to it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

20 Responses to Q&A: Why isn’t ‘Easter’ called Resurrection Day?

  • nutjob says:

    Pagan holiday

  • Twist says:

    because bunnies hiding colored chicken eggs is more realistic that someone raising from the dead

    the resurrection never happened and jesus never existed

  • Lost Wolv says:

    Christians tried to relate to pagan holidays, it would make it easier for them to convert people

  • kadoodal says:

    i think it should be called that too.

    i’m callin it that from now on.

  • sand_illusions says:

    its called Easter because not everyone is Christian and believes in the same thing that I and every other Christian believes in.

    that is an interesting point you just pointed out. just keep in mind the TRUE meaning of ‘Easter’ and celebrate it as the resurrection of Christ, that’s all you can do.

  • problem says:

    Many churches do call it that.

  • andrew a says:

    Easter doesn’t offend as many , like christmas . Christ died Wednesday afternoon and raised early sunday morning . Praise the Lord

  • jonjon v3.0 (worth retrieving) says:

    It could’ve been called “Resurrection Day” long before the feast was appropriated by the Christians. It’s the resurrection of the earth at the Spring Equinox. All of the rites of the old “Dying and Reviving Gods,” of which “Christ” is only the latest edition, referred to this. See Attis, Adonis, Osiris, Dionysus, Mithras, etc etc. “Easter” is, as you’ve mentioned, the old Teutonic fertility goddess of Spring; the bunnies and eggs associated with her are obvious fertility symbols. “At Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love…”

  • Lane L says:

    Because the Resurection Bunny just wouldnt sound good.

  • kagome says:

    easter is celebrated by most people not only christians tho it is the resurrection of jesus

  • t90fan says:

    Well here it’s called Husvet, which means “meat pick”, when we finally break the fasting period following christmas.

    Maybe you guys could call it Break Fast… wait a minute that is already used…

    Call it Jesus’ Day.

    Did you know that Jesus’ birth was originally celebrated during the spring alongside Easter? One big mega celebration.

  • jesusalways!! says:

    because its really not.i mean i belive jesus rose on the third day but its another pagan holiday from the catholics just like christmas. they just add jesus in there.where do you think the bunny came in from easter??? because that was origionally what it was all about.

  • adriver007 says:

    Because God, Jesus, or who ever named Easter, wanted it to be easter. but EASTER means Ressurection anyway.

  • Petervl says:

    well, because like all other christian holidays, it’s stolen from pagans. It is a holiday to celebrate spring. Why would the date change every year otherwise?

  • darrin_howard says:

    Because the early Christians essentially overlayed the traditional pagan holidays with their own celebrations. During this process, new christian rituals were added to the existing pagan customs. What we have today is a combination of the two (with extra stuff that’s been added throughout the centuries).

    Resurrection Sunday is probably more accurate when referring to Jesus Christ, but the idea of spring symbolizing rebirth and new life is much, much older.

  • HAND says:

    I have no idea. Then I wasn’t consulted when the day was named.

  • Ben says:

    Almost every festival in Christianity was chosen on the basis of Paganism after Constantine gave Christianity the power of life and death. So, to make easier for the pagans to crowd the Church, many of the pagans rites were adapted into the canon of the Church.

  • *Tinkly* *Tallulah* *Bell* says:

    Well i don’t know about anyone else, but i’m celebrating Christ’s life – death – and Resurrection…
    I can also tell you all the Christians i know are celebrating Christ — it’s the heart of man God is interested in..
    We don’t argue over a ‘name’ we are blessed to know the Savior and Creator of the universe every day..

    be blessed

  • Sage Sheathen says:

    I asked this the other day. You are getting a lot better answers than I did. You would think this is such an important part of Christianity, the resurrection really is what showed Jesus was divine, that they would not want it to be associated with any of the Pagan festivals at all.

  • DR. THEO says:

    The roots of the Easter celebration date long before Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection. Various Easter customs can be traced back to ancient spring celebrations surrounding Astarte, the goddess of spring and fertility…….

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