Question by aggiecindy: Would this be considered Metaphysical? (John Donne Poetry)?
In his poem “Love’s Growth” he mostly talks about nature, but he also beings in Science and Medicine, and Politics and Taxes. Would the inclusion of these items be considered metaphysical since they don’t quite fit with his theme of nature?
Best answer:
Answer by jb
Metaphysics bridges the gap between nature and history. Does his poem do that?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Not necessarily. If the author was to include such topics in a way that their mere tasks or objectives were included yes. The entirety of the poem would then be disregarded for it would be a work of the secluded mind. Thus if the author was to express the instilled emotions that are seen or conclusive, the poem could be representative as a minds flux. A bit of a gray area. Good day.