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Question by Krish: Wt is the meaning of these tarot cards result belongs to career opportunities?
my question was related to get new job or promotion ….and I’ve got this result ~:

How you feel about yourself now? : Hierophant or Pope
What you most want at this moment?…. The Fool
Your fears ….The Magician or Juggler
What is going for you ?…..Death
What is going against you ?…..The Tower

Does it mean positive or negative ..?

Best answer:

Answer by bilderback
I always thought tarot cards were bull crap. I know astrology might be a little sketchy but it at least has a strong basis in astronomy and mathematics.

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One Response to Q&A: Wt is the meaning of these tarot cards result belongs to career opportunities?

  • hikarihime9029 says:

    She was asking a question about her tarot reading. If you can’t provider the asker with a proper answer, then don’t answer!

    She was asking about her tarot reading, not about whether tarot is real or not or whether it is comparable to astrology.

    Didn’t your mother ever tell you that if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all? Obviously not. You clearly need to go read the Yahoo Answers terms and conditions to learn how to properly answer a question because, sir, you are in violation.

    Sorry about that ^^ Anyway, back to the question:

    To me, it is very positive.

    The hierophant for how you feel about yourself means that you are fully knowledgable and capable of doing the job you seek.

    Getting the fool for what you most want is good. The fool means an unexpected and exciting change. You want a new job or that promotion and you want it now. You really want to walk into your job and your boss tell you “Guess what? You got the promotion!” or to do a job search and see an add requesting your job skills.

    The magician means being fully capable. You fear that you are not fully capable and because of this, you fear that you will not get that promotion or you will not find that new job.

    But what is going for you is the Death card. Death means change and can be very positive. I believe that the death card is positive in your case. It could mean that you are taking steps in the right direction for your career.

    The tower can be very confusing. It is a good/bad card. It means that something bad will happen to you, but after something bad happens; something good will come from it. The good coming out of it will always out weight how bad the situation was. I gave my friend a tarot reading and she kept getting the Tower when asking about a road trip she was going to take. She went on the road trip and was in a horrible accident. Her car was totalled and she was in so much pain that she couldn’t leave her bed for a week. After she got better, the person that caused the accident wanted to settle everything out of court so he covered her medical bills and even gave her a new car! So, the tower isn’t all that bad. It will suck, but good will always come out of it. The tower for you may mean that you get fired from your current job, but you find a new job that is better. You never really know what the tower is until it hits you and it is always unexpected.

    The outcome for you being judgement means that it is meant to be. You have sown your seeds and you are in for a plentiful harvest! Judgement is a happy positive card and represents new beginings!

    This is a very positive reading and I hope I was clear in explaining it. If you have anymore questions, feel free to contact me!


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