Question by R. Trout: Question about sexual orientation?
Let’s say you were in a room with another person and the person had to change their clothes or you start talking about sex … whatever … and then you feel your head kind of feel heavy or dizzy or lightheaded in a way and the situation feels like it’s real hard to snap out or remove yourself away from, sort of like you’re frozen in place … are you under the spell of sexual attraction? Can that happen with any person you’re around or is that an indication of who you’re sexually (or not sexually) attracted too or your orientation. Dumb question, I know … thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Elizabeth
i think you’re the only one that knows the answer to this question.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I would say that’s not necessarily a symptom of attraction.
maybe they gave you a roofy??
Not sure about lightheaded like, but if there is some attraction of some sort and feeling intimate, then the possibility may be pheromonal! It’s very common and most people don’t know it.
sometimes it could mean your attracted to that person, but usually it means your curious or in some cases uncomfortable with the fact that someone is undressing in front of you
check your blood sugar.