Question by Enigma®Ragnarökin’: Question for atheists and pagans only. Mind answering it for me?
How can I keep from tripping over my tongue without cutting off 4″ of it? What has made you smile today?
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Answer by ultraviolet1127
Hot coco
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You can’t, and not this question.
take the cardboard part of a toilet paper roll and wind your tongue around it and secure it with a safety pin!
The mighty boosh on tv
What would your wife/girlfriend think of you cutting 4″ off your tongue
Throw it over your shoulder like a scarf. I made myself smile today when I looked in the mirror at that suave looking s.o.b. looking back at me.
I smiled when my friend acted retarded today and almost got killed
My daughter was pleasantly surprised when I brought her home a big ol’ cup of her (and my) favorite iced coffee. That made me smile.
Today? My family is finally going to be together in one town! I will see my mother again at last! That is what made me smile today, that and I may finally have a White Yule!
Blessed Be!
i don’t cut off 4″ for anybody.
I looked in on my little girl sleeping this morning.
I kissed my sweetie before leaving for work.
I’ve had a good day at work.
I’ll be jetting out of here in an hour or so.
I’m going skiing in the morning.
Having faith in the holy spirits…the kind you drink (and I guess you can worship also) Being filled with Holy Spirits will even make you speak in tongues.
I refuse to answer this question and if you can’t guess why well you have not been paying attention…LOL
this question made me smile- how sad is it that this is my only real smile for today…
I was told I was an atheist product of the public school system when I’m actually the pagan product of a private Christian school.
I appreciated the irony. Hehe