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Question by Emmanuel D: Question on tarot card relationship spread?
can anyone help clarify this tarot spread. question should i get married to this woman.
1. the world 21
2. 2 of swords
3. emperor 4
all cards faced up

Best answer:

Answer by woderless
Pls do not be offended, what i feel is that we do not need cards or any other things to predict our lives. What will happen tomorrow depends what we do today! If you really love her, then go for it! Don’t wait for predictions or any other things. It is all in your hands!

What do you think? Answer below!

3 Responses to Question on tarot card relationship spread?

  • Frou Frou says:

    i could go look up my book for you, but, to be hoenst, i really dont think this is a question you should wait to hear from the tarot from
    this is soemthing you already know, and just want either confirmation for or to un comfirm it for you

    which, is YOUR decidsion and life issue to deal with, not tarot
    and anyway, tarot, is using your own energy, so it would be either, a confusing answer, or one you have already decided on

  • Lori G says:

    Very briefly:
    Although you seem very fond of each other, I feel your relationship is somewhat limited and you are not feeling entirely comfortable and at ease with your world. Your heart doesn’t seem to be in this relationship and communications are not what they should be – you don’t appear to be talking to each other how you should be. I feel a lack of emotions on your side and a possible need to be in control and lay down the rules.

    I also have to say that if you are asking this question – whether it is to the Tarot or anyone else – then you are not sure of your feelings and should either not go ahead or wait until you are (both) sure.

  • SadharaSatguru says:

    Hello Emmanuel

    What were the cards position titles?

    You can post your hand shuffled spreads in our forum.

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