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Question by Worldwide Revolution: Questions for people who believe in and know about the metaphysical properties of crystals?
Alright. I have ordered several crystals online. I’ve already received a clear quartz crystal and waiting on several other types. I know crystals are used in healing and other self improvement uses. I understand that a clear quartz crystal is supposed to do everything the other colors can do and that they can be ‘programmed’. I just need to know ‘how’ to do this things. Where can I find this information online? Or if you could recommend some good books that explains these things. It would help a lot, thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Asabrand
The Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham is a decent resource, but if you do not know anything about, and have no experience with magic, then you have some study and practice to do before you can make it work.

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One Response to Questions for people who believe in and know about the metaphysical properties of crystals?

  • M ? says:

    Besdies Scott Cunninghams book another good book is by Denise Whichello Brown called Begginers’ Guide to Crystals. And The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall is really good. Basically crystals are cleansed and then charged with visualisation for a specific purpose. It is a very interesting thing to read about even if you don’t use crystals all that much. What website did you buy them from?

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