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Quran recitation with English translation recitation of chapter Qaf by Saad Al Ghamidi
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21 Responses to Quran recitation with English translation recitation of chapter Qaf by Saad Al Ghamidi

  • kingalisouth says:

    @jody25able dancing on streets they were shias tru muslims dont dance on streets but belive in 1GOD 1NESS OFF GOD HE HIS 1 NO PARTNERS

  • goody2shoes0832 says:

    @jody25able of course you would say that. proof of what i just explained, thank you very much. 🙂

  • jody25able says:

    @goody2shoes0832 – Blaaaahhhh!

  • goody2shoes0832 says:

    @jody25able us people? we are exactly the same as everyone else. on the other hand people like you are closed minded and yall close your ears when the truth is being said because the truth will require you to change and actually think logically for a second. but yall dont want that, you want to live your lives as you please with no requirements, even if they are the requirements of god. you cant deny that because i have lived in this country long enough to know what everyone is like.

  • jody25able says:

    @goody2shoes0832 – You people always say we sholud respect, go fuck your self! You want respect you got to earn it!

  • goody2shoes0832 says:

    @jody25able well america is my country as well.i dont believe for one second that it was only muslims involved. i blame the few muslim terorrists and george w. bush.
    you shouldnt judge everyone as if they are the same. would a catholic like being compared to a baptist? no.
    not all muslims are like that. believe me our religion doesnt teach terorrism. if you had a life you wouldnt fid a video like this and start trashing it. you should respect it. islam is not the problem, muslims are.

  • jody25able says:

    @goody2shoes0832 – Well my country was attacked by muslims & i saw allll of them partying in the streets so what do you expect, blame your people for this! Lucky i have a life other wise that day i saw muslims dancing in the streets, i would of ran all them over with my car!

  • goody2shoes0832 says:

    @jody25able i am not a liar, you dont even know me and yet you judge me based on some individuals you claim to have talked to. con artist? i cant even do a decent card trick. terorrist? i cant even swat a fly. i see a dead cat on the road and my tears spill. my best friend is is a christian and i rspect her and she respects me. she hated muslims untill she met me. on 9/11 i almost died from the smoke, its kind of hard to dance about something that almost killed you. 9/11 should not have happened

  • jody25able says:

    @goody2shoes0832 – You’re a liar, don’t try to fool everyone you are all con artist! I talked to more than enough muslims & they clearly show no respect for no one! They are totally against all that are not muslim & wish death of everyone! Did you dance in the streets on 911? Well pay back is a bitch!

  • goody2shoes0832 says:

    @jody25able i respect all religions and at least i know that my religion taught me to not use such vile words

  • jody25able says:

    @goody2shoes0832 – trust me i dont want anything from you & muslims never had respect for no one so go fuck your self!

  • goody2shoes0832 says:

    @jody25able i hope you are not expeting respect back though.

  • AverageHp says:

    @Ymethink make sence plz?

  • Ymethink says:

    Islam is the final copy of all religions plus violence as a way to virgins and heaven

  • jody25able says:

    I have absolutly no recpect for the quran! Muslim relgion are only terrorist savages!

  • AverageHp says:

    islam is the right religon it is the only relgouis book that hasnt been changed the bible has jews change islam never changed

  • Wrath0fKhan says:

    Waters flowing, winds blowing, “God/Allah” in “his” alleged revelation saying so, therefore “God/Allah”. Feel the rule of the circulus vitiosus.

  • xbrand141 says:

    This is a chapter of the Quran, God’s finial message to mankind which was reveal to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by angle Gabriel.

    Allah means “The One Glorious God” in Arabic.
    Elah and Eloh are the same as Allah in Aramaic and Hebrew as Jesus (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh) addressed God.

    All three are Semitic languages.

  • xbrand141 says:

    MashaAllah… wonderful recitation of the Quran.. Qruan is the absolute word of Allah (God) without any changes and without any contradition within… SubhanAllah

  • hardtrip99 says:

    maybe is a lil Buddha..

  • netengeargirly2k says:

    Who is God or Allah speaking to in this video?

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