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10 Responses to Re: Christian Witches Still Do Exist!

  • xXemozrusXx says:

    well, can you be christian and do witchcraft and not be wicca? because i believe that you can be physical (walking, don’t even think bout it, u just do it) then there is physical/mental (you think of something then make it into an action) and then mental, which you use your mind to do things. and practicing things like wicca challenges that belief or is it that i’m just a christian?

  • AstroMen2911 says:

    People can’t be Christians and also be Pagans or Wiccans. For one, Christians believe in the Bible which means that they can’t accept more then one god, can’t accept people of different views, and the Bible supports bigotry, slavery, injustice, murder, child abuse, and rape. It is an insult to Paganism to have the Bible tell them what to do.

  • SpiritWanderer50 says:

    I actually hated raymond bucklands book I do however like scott cunningham. He is more of a christian witch sort of guy.

  • sexinesswithfangs says:

    Very nice vid. And Raymond Buckland for the win. I had his complete book of witchcraft and loved it.

  • PaganPractise says:

    Thanks! 😉

  • changling21 says:

    Five stars for this video and can’t wait for more education in this field.

  • PaganPractise says:

    you are very welcome 😉

  • BlueFireWitch says:

    Thanks for the back up!

  • PaganPractise says:

    xD Ty

  • StacieSOhelena says:

    kool vid 🙂 xxx

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