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I call out Ashra to prove that she can do what she says she can and is not just well giving people a confidance boost that beer could acomplish
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You can read her description at to email me please do so at
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Witch Spells – The Key to Success!

Article by Yvonne Handford

The world of magic, witch spells, witchcraft and witchcraft spells is full of unlimited magical ancient intelligence and wisdom that includes the ability to bring forth life changing moments and situations. Magic transformations have been experienced with each and every generation, allowing the craft to live on and grow stronger soar to new levels of success. Read on to find the true key to success who performing witchcraft or witch spells.

If you are new to performing magic witch spells I would suggest you begin with small matters in your life you wish to change, and once you have success with these then move onto more significant areas of your life you desire change. If you need a spell for something significant in your life and you are not experienced in spell casting I would recommend you find a good spell caster who can assist you, as some spells cannot be reversed.

Magic is about your true intention, your desires and personal power. Everyone has the power to perform magic or witch spells although for most people it does take time to perfect the art of performing spells and does involve a contentious degree of study and application.
If you wish to perform a spell you need to remember that successful magic comes mostly from within you, your preparation and from the vibrations and power created by you, which are specifically aligned to your desire and wants.

Real Witch Spells are available everywhere although finding a spell caster who knows how to successfully cast spells is not always easy to find, although there are a few things you need to know when looking for a teacher or someone to cast a spell on your behalf. Unique combinations of tools are used by a good spell caster throughout a ritual to allow the desired outcome to come forth. These tools connect together during a sacred ritual in a magical way, which is performed at the exact time including chants, herbs, oils, crystal plus many other tools which many spell casters will not reveal their secrets to anyone. Many people often ask me can I learn to perform spells and the answer is yes. To make magic spells work, you must follow the tradition of the specific spell by heart, say each word and perform each action behind it with the full force of your belief. Then the spell will do its work to release the power and focus it towards your goals.

Even a perfectly crafted spell can at times take time to come to fruition or not have the outcome that is desired. You must be patient and remain open to receiving your desired outcome at the most perfect time. Sometimes the spell will receive immediate and profound results and other times it may take weeks or months to manifest.

Another interesting fact to remember is to be very specific about the outcome you wish to receive and the consequences on all levels if you were to receive your desires. Many a person has received their desires by magic spells only to realise they didn’t want it after all or that other people may have been hurt or disadvantaged along the way, which has led to disappointment or regret. So before you begin casting a spell or requesting another to cast a spell on your behalf do some soul searching and word your desires very carefully so you will be happy with the outcome and have no regrets.

Bella is a modern day white Witch and has been practising Witch Spells and Witchcraft for over 20 years with great success. To learn more about Witch Spells visit Magical Witch Spells where Bella reveals so much more and offers Win a Free Spell Competition drawn each month.

15 Responses to Re: Love Spells Ashra – Witchcraft

  • Baudilaire says:

    Ashra is the biggest scam. If you? want to see for yourself then the video she has posted. Check out the people who commented. There youtube accounts were created on the same day that they left the comment and nothing else has been done with their accounts. Sounds like the biggest scam ever. I know someone who I’m working with. You can message me if you want to know her but please don’t spend anymore on Ashra. She is terrible.

  • artemisfirecracker23 says:

    Before i watched this video i spent 67bucks on one of Ashra’s Aden love spell to get my ex bf back.i poured my heart out in the email and she responded back recommended that spell so all i am doing now is wait to see if it will work and then ill put a comment if shes a fraud or real deal.but people have to understand that witches and spellcasters? r people too that need money and if u need the spell that badly u have to sacrifice something thats precious to u in exchange for the energies use in

  • fmski says:

    I know there are things that can’t be explaned , so I’ll try anything once .and if it works? . I’ll let you know ,and will be hooked

  • GayWitch313 says:

    @klsheaffer33 I agree that Ashra is fake, but? not every witch is a wiccan.

  • klsheaffer33 says:

    cloversong1 is obviously one of? the accounts of either Ashra’s friends, or Ashra herself. She’s a scam artist who preys on people who are feeling weak or desperate because of their emotions. Wiccan magic is a real thing…but Ashra’s no Wiccan. If she was, she wouldn’t be making such a huge dishonest profit the way she is. Not to mention “love spells” are “black magic”…messing with free will which goes against the Wiccan belief system.

  • TheMagickFreak says:

    Warcorpse, You have a very cocky opinion for someone who has never truly seen magick. If I were to show you magick, orbic glows, flickering lights, shadowed clouds, levitation (Including you), floating water, and all. Would you stop discouraging all these people and? delete this video?

  • DamnTheMan81 says:

    I believe in magic,wtiches,and all that supernatural stuff,but I don’t believe just because someone says they are a wtich or can cast spell doesn’t mean it’s always true.Alot of fake one out there,and not all on them are? online.Alot of them run a store or they do it out of there own home..Beware!

  • 11yesindeed says:

    You don’t need powerful curses. The amount of negativity and low self esteem in you molds the energy around and about your life.?

  • israelhotty says:

    @godofhockeysteviey19 No ur an idiot… Everyone has the right to believe in whatever they want. It doesn’t make the person stupid or dumb. We are human and we are all different and each of us see things differently and believe in different things so stop? judging seriously.

  • WKLTthecult says:

    magick does not defy the laws of physics, it puts energy and intent toward altering probability for an already possible thing to happen? in the same way that quantum physics has shown that an outcome can be altered by observing it.

  • redhandoneill says:

    dude, why the negativity, it? takes two to tango jerkwad!

  • amberkitty123 says:

    My friend DOES use spells, not curses, but I DON’T? believe in love and money spells online that you have to buy from someone. I CAN agree with you on that. IF SOMEONE wants money, GO OUT and make some!!! Or, love? Go find someone T-T

  • Warcorpse666 says:

    @cloversong1? funny it’s been awhile and she hasn’t accpeted my offer

  • tarronbentley says:

    Ashra Spells is a theif be? aware of her she ripped many people.

  • cyzoca says:

    Everytime I try to reach her though chat, or sending e-mails I always get the same answers, on how another spell would help… If? I try to post any bad review on her youtube channel, of course, she doesn’t approve it to be posted nor answers me. I was pretty patient and waited for one year, to have results, but the engagement news was too much for me. He was thinking about me sooo much that he got engaged, and we dated for 10 years, and he never though about getting married with me… Nice spell

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