Part 2 of a reply to the video Magickal Hummingbird and the comments from Jess on it. www.youtube.com AClRCLEOFLlGHT’s email to me. Hey Ron Hey Ron, this is definately not going to be a letter you would expect from me, but being a good friend I had to let you know. I’m no longer atheist or pagan. I had a revelation while up in the mountains here in WA and something just hit me. I can’t explain it, but my logic for a God changed 180 degrees and it threw all my beliefs out of wack. I’m kinda hoping some of my friends don’t turn their backs on me, but atleast I’ll soon find out who is and who isn’t a friend. I’m not saying I’m christian or anything. I could never give myself that title, but I do believe in a God and I do believe that Wicca is drastically incorrect, but you’ll never see me bashing pagans. You guys are always going to be my first family what ever path my life leads me to. Cheers and Good Vibes my friend.
Among the most important matters of the belief (Iman) is to believe in the angels, ie, to believe, although we don’t usually see them, that angels exist and they are one of the kinds of creations Allah created. Allah created the angels from light. They are neither males nor females. They all worship Allah and obey His orders; they do not sin. In the response of Prophet Muhammad to Angel Jibril, notice how he ordered those most important matters of the belief. He said the belief is (first) to believe in Allah, because this is the basis of the belief. To believe in Allah includes believing that Allah exists and that His existence is without time and without a place, unlike the existence of the created things. The belief in Allah includes believing that He is eternal; there never was a time Allah did not exist and then He came into existence. He is everlasting; there never will be a time when He will cease to exist. Rather, Allah is the Creator of everything. He created everything by his Power, Knowledge, and Will. He does not need any of His creations, nor does He resemble any of His creations. Allah is attributed with Sight and Hearing; He sees and hears all things without an eye, ear, or any other instrument. Allah is not a body and does not have parts. He is One, there is no god except Allah. He has no partner, no division, no sub-division. The proper belief in Allah includes believing in all these issues. The one who believes in Allah, believes that Allah is the Creator …
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Pagan and proud, wonderful.
ron, what were you smokin and why ain’t you sharin? LOL. interesting vid again.
yup i hear you man…
True that man, true that.
Gotta be proud of who you are!
Mashallah Angel Jibril.
Me too. MashaAllâh.
BarakAllahubikum 12345Like
Bismillahi mashaAllah!
C?????? ?? ????!!!
baraka allahu feeeek =)=)
I love this nasheed and this info.