Sometimes we are given a pack of Angel/Tarot cards as a gift, without the manual which explains the meaning of each card. Even if this is not the case it is always important to get to know the cards without the use of the manual. In this video Helen discusses a way in which you can learn to read the cards on intuition alone. Please visit Helen’s website at and follow her on Twitter at http
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Hello! I am happy I found your channel. I was wondering because I have a tarot deck and I got the king of swords for my yes no questions about being able to go to Europe (backpacking) next year. What does that mean? Thank you!
@DipintoHealing Blessings and love and thank you for watching! xxxx
Hi Helen, This is a lovely message – Thank you hun! Blessings and Love xoxox
@gypsyvlinder Blessings! I am so happy that you resonate with this video
Have a beautiful day!!!! xxxx
Hello Helen
Thank you so sweet this video again
I put you by my favoriets;) another way whit the card…. i wanna learn more…i do also intuitive…. but try it more your way ok
Have a great sunny day huggs and light
@PaganGlade Blessings wonderful soul!!! thank you so much for watching!!! xxxxx
@Midnightwiccan18 Hi sweetie!
Thanks for watching! xxxxx
Another one to add to my favs! hehe
hope u are well x
I just LOVE your videos!
Brightest Blessings Sister xxxxx ~PG~
@Livuccia Blessings, Lia
Thanks for watching xxxxxx
Fantastic! I am just struggling with my tarot deck, lol. Now I’ll try to do it your way. Thank you very much! xxxx
@MysticMoonMaggie lovely!!! im coming over to yours to watch it! lol xxxx
@jaynswiss oh how wonderful!!! a lot of people read from the angel cards for example, you could get a card that says nature but someone else could read it that the person has to go back to a more natural way of being etc xxxx
wow, perfect timing! i was just dealing with my cards and thinking about them and i noted that i for the most part use my intuition when i do readings and i found that to be interesting and wondered if others did it also and if it was common. do you think so?
I just completed a video on my tarot and oracle decks and will upload it ASAP. The timing of this information is perfect to complement my video. We are in tune with other. Blessings, MMM