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The best way to introduce the death tarot card is to ask your client – What does death stand for?

The first thing your client is likely to say is actual physical death, dying and absence. After they have made the obvious literal connections, ask them to offer non-literal meanings. No doubt they will start to think more creatively by giving more abstract meanings, like ‘the end of something’, ‘the finishing of a journey’, ‘ending one chapter of your life, and embarking on another’.

Indeed these secondary understanding of the card Death are more accurate. After all, Death is merely a symbolic card that represents the end of one thing, and the beginning of something new and unknown.

So, in a sense, Death certainly does imply that something in the life of your client is dying or coming to an end, but with that death there will come rebirth and new life.

2) Interpreting Death for your client

The card Death is a very important card because it foreshadows that your client is about to experience a significant change in their life. It is a card the signals the end of one stage in the life of your client, and the beginning of an entirely new phase.

This process of ending and beginning should not be a frightening thing at all, but rather an opportunity for your client to overhaul their life.

Like when we experience a death in real life, your client should expect to feel a mixture of emotions when they end this era. Like when we say goodbye to a loved one, your client may not want to let go of the phase that is ending. They may feel unprepared, sad and want to cling to a particular situation despite the fact

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Lotus Tarot card readings can show you a fresh perspective on your life.
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