as well as being very sexually active.
b) Two of Cups
This card symbolizes a union, marriage, or some type of connection. It also stands for happiness of the person that is in that relationship.
c) Nine of Cups
This card stands for outright sexual pleasure. The person is promiscuous and has no qualms about their body.
d) Ten of Cups
This card stands for solid permanent unions and family ties.
e) Ten of Pentacles
This card stands for a person that has been in a long marriage and has full grown children, who they are still close to.
f) Can The Lovers Tarot Card Help your Relationship?
Many people want to know if the Lovers card will be the remedy for their problems in relationships.
It is often the case that people feel that Tarot cards will enlighten them so that they will be able to read their partner. They have the belief that these cards can give them information about relationships they are currently in, as well as past ones.
So can your relationship questions be answered by the Lovers card?
It has been said that that cards reveal secrets in your relationship, which then will reveal other aspects of your life, and then it snowballs. Finally, everything you wanted to know about is exposed to you. The Lovers card may just hold your relationship secrets.
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