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Read/Tarot,How to

Rating: (out of 2 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 24.98


2 Responses to Read/Tarot,How to

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Read/Tarot,How to
    Karen Hale-Brewer is definitely NOT a crackpot or a charlatan. She is well versed in the tarot and has definitely developed her intuition in her readings. I give it four stars on content alone as the quality of the tape leaves MUCH to be desired. It reminded me of the kind of tape you see during an orientation for a new job. Limited budget and time. But don’t let that dissuade you from purchasing this tape. It goes over the major arcana and the major trump cards for the lesser arcana (King – Paige) but does not go into the specific discussion over the minor arcana suits as she leaves this for the little booklet that comes with the mini deck included with the tape. She does several readings which are insightful but does not go on to elaborate how she came to such specifics when giving her readings even down to the gender and appearance of the subjects’ interest.But this is a very paced course and you will be pausing and re-winding the tape constantly if you are an avid note-taker, so fair warning to the meticulous. All in all this is a worthwhile investment for an introduction to the tarot. It is informative despite its rapid pace. Don’t judge a book by its cover for even though the quality of the tape is not the best, the information contained therein is.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Read/Tarot,How to
    This is an old video, but very honest, sincere and it is nothing like the new “infomercials” you see on TV with Miss so-and-so, that presents Tarot as a Gipsy tool or a myth and magic thing. No. Author explains the Major Arcana cards one by one, and two most popular spreads: YES/NO spread as well as Celtic Cross. She tells you how to store your tarot cards and how to “energize” them so they become truly “yours”. She also does three “live” readings, she is very positive and knows her Tarot well. You can get the main idea about tarot and Celtic Cross watching this video. I did not give it five stars because it is too short for it’s high price (about 60 minutes) but again, I am very happy I got it. It is like learning about Tarot from a live psychic reader, not just from books and Internet newsletters. it also comes with a miniature deck of Waite cards. Wow. And then, it is very honest. I guess, videos have been much more serious in 80’s.

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