Real Native American Tribes and members EXPOSE fake natives and “new agers”. Most fake Natives are white people who claim cherokee,in fact their are more white people who claim fake cherokee then their are REAL cherokee members..YOUTUBE is filled with many of these fake “cherokee’ tribes and fake native americans. They are illegal frauds. BEWARE. They are into the “new age” movement or claim to be “celtic”…..IT is a FELONY to LIE and claim to be from a federally reconized tribe. THE new age is a complete fraud and IS trying to USE native culture for evil. REAL NATIVE AMERICANS ARE AGAINST THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT!!!
Video Rating: 3 / 5
@RATHAHONNI …you wrote one of my FAVORITE comments! YES 100% the Government has FORCEFULLY put white people on native reservations to POLLUTE our race and culture. their are TOO MANY WHITEYS on native reservations …both as so called “helpers” and those who claim a fake and disgusting false native blood. THERE is no WAY that all those people are REAL NATIVES! no way. What about WHITE tribal council members?…We REAL natives know who we in the heart and we still can RECONIZE our OWN!!…
@Missy5464 another problem we have is people who are white and are fake jews…these scum try to weasel their way into native culture! I am keeping track off all white fake jews who try to infiltrate our native groups….they will not be successful….the khazar white fake jew is the TRUE ENEMY of EVERY real native american!! they are the WORST theives of my culture and our GREATEST enemy….
@Missy5464 ….they are not native at all…they are white fake tribes…alot of them have already been sued or shut down by us real natives. I work for a native non profit and we work to expose fake white natives who try and pervert or steal our culture or government rights……i have a list of many fake natives and their crimes..i have seen legal papers where we have taken fake white natives to FEDERAL court and won!! I WILL NOT let these fake white demons steal or abuse my culture.
i will admit those pics are of white people and most of those people don’t look native to me at all. they could have native ancestors but they don’t look it!
@1980vince …they still are. they are the true savages and the filthiest race on the planet……every evil thing comes from the white race….
white people were cavemen.
To be accepted as a native is like belonging to a very exclusive club,you must be born to it.Born to a Matrilinial unbroken line of a clan that has descended from the time before white contact.This is the Haudinosaunee way,But with government intervention in our memberships we also have many “Wannabees”,buzz off wannabees your a joke!
illegal immigrants aren’t indian? WTF these people new to study there history, yes they maybe illegal in this country, but it still makes them indian…alot of these illegals crossing the borther are 80 to 100% pure blood indian, they probably have more indian blood than the some of the real cherokees in the video..
hahahaha white people always trying to claim something they’re not.
I don’t get why white Americans are such cultural rapists, if it ain’t the wiggers, its the plastic paddies and now there’s Pseudo-Natives? And the lack of respect for the Cherokee tribes is appalling. As for the New Age movement it is pretty much an insult to every tribe not only Native Americans but Celts, Afro, Germanic, Slavic, Greek, etc. It’s sad how Native Americans are still being disrespected to this day all I can say is don’t let this go, protect your culture from these parasites.
thats weird why would someone claim something they are not….i still dont get it…
the jews did it should it be a supprise!!!they done it so long that now they think there really are jews white people claim they was the first japanese natives they claim they was Egyptions they claim to be arabs at one time,they claim to be mexicans,
wow not only did they steal the land, theyre trying to steal their identity too now??
@TrueNativeMedicine i totally agree
@CHICANOJUAN18 ………yeah these scum have no honor…everyone of the GREAT Chiefs would LAUGH at these complete frauds……yeah they are typical lazy fay white trash….HEY they all are!!…..dont eat white people food irs all fake and has too many chemicals….
@HxABrownPryder …..YOU ARE NATIVE!!! for sure!!1 STAY strong my native brother and REMEMBER the whites are REALLY cowards…WE native warriors could fight 5 white men…lol… whitey had to get all mad and starting killing litte girls!….thats all they could fight….
@shad0wdragon3050 ..THANK YOU!!! that women is a STRAIGHT FRAUD and she is being investigated…..we have shut down other fakes BEFORE!! thank you for bringing these demon to my attention…can you PLEASE send me the link for her page…so i can notify other natives about her!! THAT DEMON WHITE LADY is a complete pale ass white face and her grandparents were straight killing natives!!!LOL…..even her grandparents would laugh at her!! if they could see their stupid whites trying to be native!
@applejelly2 …sadly yes!!! we have straight white people from germany that have NEVER even been to america…and they CLAIM that they are Native americans?…..LOL……
@Selenaencarnation …thats true!!! THE white people of today say they are sorry and tell us natives to forget about the past!!!??….YET these white demons STILL want OUR land and resources!!…the whites are NOT sorry for the past!! THEY STILL WANT TO KEEP the land that they KNOW their ancestors murdered and stole for???!!!…they want to keep land that they know was stolen?….THATS WHY THW white race is CURSED by God!……never trust them and REMEMBER their is NO “good” white person..
@Selenaencarnation …stay STRONG SISTER!!!……we real natives have a special spirit and strong hearts…. we will WIN in the end!!!….like our prophets of old have said and it will come true…….keep standing proud of our native culture! DONT LET NO ONE MESS WITH OUR CULTURE!!! Its ours and it ALWAYS WILL be!…..thanks for your support!
@videogodzz …THE white race also claim to be jews too…but thats JUST the same THING!!!…they are trying to steal the TRUE ISRAELITES heritage too….like they are trying to steal native culture…THE white race is NEITHER real jews ar real fact they are the HISTORICAL enemies of REAL israelites and REAL natives!!….listen to us natives!!…NEVER EVER trust whitey….they will give you POSIONED food and will murder women and children like they are doing right now in Iraq.
@RULINGCLASSMENTALITY …thats because the WHITE race is NOT EVEN HUMAN!!! they HATE real humans!! the white race is from cave men and from FALLEN ANGELS…yes…long ago the white race had children from fallen angels(DEMONS) and they think they have a right to rule the world…thats why all other races have CULTURE and CUSTOMS because we are REAL HUMANS …the white race are hybrid…DEMONS and cave men…NO DOUBT about it….thats why the whites hate all REAL humans….
@videogodzz …YOUR RIGHT!!!…the white people STEAL every culture…i saw a white man with dreadlocks and a reggae hat!!..i wanted to tell him that “REGGAE” is songs written by black people about the black STRUGGLE against the white race!!!..its NOT FOR HIM!!..the songs are agianst him!!!.the white race is the MOST CONFUSED and lost race on the planet…they ONLY rule with fear ,war, torture, lies and murder!! thats the WHITE RACE way! because they have no REAL culture …no tribal heritage.
@videogodzz …thats RIGHT!!…the white race ROBBED
MY land …RAPED our women and girls.SOLD our children….ENSLAVED us….AND now these crazy demons will try to EVEN steal our VERY identities!!….i have had white people tell me its THEIR right to be LEADERS in Native groups!! LOL….or white people tell me “YOU dont have to be NATIVE to be a native!!!!”…..LOL….thats the stupidest THING i ever heard!!…….
@Englishbobwv …I can assure you that THEY ARE NOT Native in anyway…they are White people who pretend to be natives and tell other white people silly stupid stories THAT are NOT TRUE!…its simple really….IF they are white, they are NOT native!! PERIOD!!…Native people are ALL BROWN!! (like me)….lol……yeah please dont listen to those liars and you should EVEN challenge their lies. thanks