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you will tend to not believe everything that is said in a “for-entertainment-only-type psychic reading. Where there are literally thousands of psychics waiting to take your call, there is a slim chance of finding an authentic one who represents the highest professional standard of training and education in the divination arts. Take this advice:

1. Take yourself and your psychic seriously, or, resign yourself to entertainment only status;

2. Avoid networks that do not regulate their requirements for their psychics and search for “real psychic readings;”

3. Look for a private psychic consultation;

This is important. Suppose you were looking for a therapist or other professional practitioner. After you found someone, you would not go from this one to that one persistently.

4. Ask yourself, why am I doing this with psychics?

There can be deeper reasons why this behavior can occur, but is it that you “didn’t hear what you wanted,” or you “weren’t convinced, or you “need to hear it over and over?” But, generally, when we find a professional that is good for us, we tend to stick with that person. That is what I have found with my clients. My clients usually are either new to psychic readings or they have already gone through the psychic reading circuit and are ready for authentic answers based in the Truth. Those are the people that find me. I can’t tell you how many people

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