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religion is. Does that make them the sons or daughters of the creator? Not directly, it’s more likely we are their ancestors. Even people who have no religion could potentially perform miracles intentionally or unintentionally. Could they talk to god or the equivalent? It is possible due to quantum entanglement. However, it’s more likely they were schizophrenic or high, but that doesn’t rule out the possibility they could have been spiritually enlightened.


Additionally, the accuracy of what actually happened may not be literal due to a variety of factors including translation or fiction. For instance, it’s more likely the Jewish people floated across the Dead Sea and escaped the Romans with metal armor than it was for Moses to part the Red Sea and have everyone walk across. You can also compare the New and Old Testaments and see they are very different, excluding things designed to scare people like burning children alive. There is no hell in the literal sense, just different levels of human suffering. There are also thousands of organized religions on the planet each claiming to be the only real truth. Aside from Buddhism few religions offer proof that miracles and gifts can be taught, and what they teach is limited to prayer, meditation, communing, astral projection and blessings. The only one of these things that’s measurable is a monk’s ability to bless water and change its structure. I think no religion is better than any other with the exception of the potential value it adds to society by reducing human suffering through knowledge, understanding and humanitarian acts.


So what is possible? Everything is possible to the extent that others are willing to let it happen. Quantum entanglement explains

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