should be. I think we should embrace what is coming. We will all know the truth then, and as Jesus Christ said, “Know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Why shouldn’t we rejoice about finally knowing the truth? We need not worry, after all, the thing we worry about is something that may not even happen. I personally don’t like surprises, because in my past, some of them weren’t very pleasant. So I’ve often let that color my perception of how things are. I am letting go of my past. We really can’t afford to let the past interfere with our life of now. Although if time is truly irrelevant, we live in the now, all the time. This does make sense. “Yesterday is the day that is already gone, tomorrow is the day that never comes, and today is the day that is always here.” My daughters once asked me the difference between yesterday, today and tomorrow. The preceding answer was what I gave to them, and they totally understood it. At the time. I wondered how to answer that question. The answer I gave is the one in quotes.
The answers will come to us if we but ask. We have an incredible amount of power in our lives as long as we don’t give it away. Which is one of the things we are always doing, and not always for our good. I’m not saying we shouldn’t follow rules, nor am I saying we should be without law, and having said that, I’m saying that we give our power to our parents, our churches or other religious leaders, our government, our husbands, wives, lovers, siblings, etc. I’m also saying that we have a responsibility to ourselves to keep our power. We empower others by empowering our selves, in order to live as we should. We can all be in control of our own lives, and yet allow others to live as they wish.
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