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Books on the Thoth Tarot deck recommended by Paul Hughes-Barlow
Video Rating: 5 / 5

8 Responses to Recommended Books on the Thoth Tarot deck

  • PaulHughesBarlow says:

    @abrazor The 2nd edition of The Tarot and the Magus will be out sometime in June, so it will eventually appear on Amazon.


  • abrazor says:

    I just think Crowley’s book is a little heavy for some. I will check out your book. May be hard to get. I am in japan and it’s not on amazon japan.

  • PaulHughesBarlow says:

    @abrazor hI Abrazor, Crowley gives the attributions in the Book of Thoth. Everyone agrees its an excellent interpretation of the GD system, even after his famous transpositions. That is the problem with dDuQuette’s book = you get the attributions with some padding on kabbalah.

    I have not written a book on Thoth tarot – mine are about the Opening of the Key spread, which results in working with Goetia and Liber 231 spirits.

  • abrazor says:

    I totally disagree on your opinion on DuQuette’s book. I think it is good for people who are new to Thoth tarot, to help them understand the connections between the tarot, astrology and Qabbalah.

    Apart from your long term usage of the cards, what other reasons should people read your book? I have read many different thoth tarot books but not yours so it would be good to know who you are and why reading your books would make a difference for me.

  • PaulHughesBarlow says:

    Thanks for the thumbs up! I will be putting more videos up very soon…

  • 7Ron4 says:

    Got Beyond the Celtic Cross in the mail for about a week ago. Recommend it strongly.
    Regards 7Ron4

  • PaulHughesBarlow says:

    Glad to be of service

  • Xeibo says:

    Great video, helped me out alot for choosing which book as a companion for the thoth deck.

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