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COPYRIGHT STATEMENT This video is property of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Warner Bros. Records. This video is not being used to make money in any way and is for entertainment and leisure purposes only. This is an act of fair usage as described by the US Copyright Office, therefore, a dispute…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Me & My Friends” is a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers from their 1987 album, The Uplift Mofo Party Plan. It is the third song on the album and it was released as a single. The song is an ode to friends and in it Anthony sings of his friends, especially former guitarist Hillel Slovak. The band has played this song throughout their career as they’ve released new albums, it is one of the most played tracks pre-Blood Sugar Sex Magik.The introduction to the song is a bass fill performed by Flea which leads into a funked-up chorus section, all played in the G Major scale.This is not to be confused with another Red Hot Chili Peppers song, “My Friends” (from 1995 One Hot Minute).This song is one of the very few pre-Blood Sugar Sex Magik tracks that the Red Hot Chili Peppers continue to play in concert. Lyrics: Me and my, me and my, me and my, me and my, me and my friends Like two sweet peas in an even sweeter pod that’s my friend and my friends’s named Bob like the devil knows hell I know Bob well well enough to tell you ’bout his 67 smells well enough to tell you he’s a hell-a-swell fellow well enough to tell you that we know each other better than we know our selves like freaks of a feather we rock together I know Bob well but I think he knows me better Me and my, me and my, me and my, me and my, me and my friends He’s as close to me as a friend can be I’ll be standin’ by my buddy he’ll be standin’ by me just another half of the two headed freak but I need him like my heart
Video Rating: 4 / 5

36 Responses to Red Hot Chili Peppers – The Power of Equality – Live at Slane Castle

  • RockOnPinkFloyd says:

    one of the best songs on the setlist

  • StarFox582 says:

    0:00 – 4:56 is the exact reason why the Red Hot Chili Peppers are the Greatest band of all time

  • luvnwar23 says:

    @mussman717word Same here bro lol

  • TheDBAnimationsCo says:

    1:03- I love Flea’s dancing!

  • Olpaj says:

    @iangotango13 sounds like a wah-wah or some kind of auto-wah effect with a little add of some kind of flanger…. but its just a guess, im a guitar player not bassist

  • hansen6102 says:

    I’m not sure which version of this song is better: This, or the June 2nd, 1999 version in Hamburg, Germany. In that version, the bass and the guitar is louder, the solo is better, but the backup singing is worse.

  • Garnseybassman says:

    @iangotango13 its actually a DOD FX25 envelope filter not a phase shifter

  • iangotango13 says:

    4:05 to 4:37 thats like the punch in you in the face! part of the song!

  • iangotango13 says:

    @shanedizzleee Ill try that see if it works 😀 , I have a Behringer V-tone and the Bass that comes in the stater pack…I dont have any money XD!! but thnx though

  • shanedizzleee says:

    @iangotango13 Phase Shifter, I think.

  • aaronJakon says:

    this concert was definately the best

  • richyatkinson says:


    He used the DOD FX25 and MuTron pedal on the record, but uses a QTron pedal when playing live.

  • iangotango13 says:

    I see alot of comments that say ‘that this part to this part is awesome in alot of different times but the its truly an amazing band giving an amazing concert playing a completely awesome song!

  • iangotango13 says:

    can anybody tell me what effect flea uses on 3:00 to 3:08? please and thank ^^

  • flavio5301 says:

    me fencanta el intro

  • mrcalifornication19 says:

    3:55 to 4:05 is heaven!!!!!

  • No1RHCPfan says:

    It’s really annoying reading those comments that say: please come back John. I will admit the Red Hot Chili Peppers will not be the same without John but i’m sure that Josh Klinghoffer will do great. Also, John is leaving to concentrate more on his solo stuff, which by the way is the most emotional, powerful,and inspiring music I have ever heard.

  • bevski209 says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever really appreciated Chad. Until 3:44

  • slinky888888 says:

    At the beginning of the 4st verse Anthony doesn’t speak words, he vomits words:)
    It’s so POWERFUL!!!!!

  • mussman717word says:

    I remember first hearing this song on the Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 Soundtrack, and even though I was into rap back then, I still fucking loved it. Since I grew out of that stage (thank God), I’ve since become a huge RHCP fan, but I was into this song befoe I was even a Chilis fan. This make one hell of an encore, as far as I’m concerned.

  • Dontknockmedown says:

    one of my two fave songs from one of my two fave albums of all time 🙂 so gald they palyed this at this show!

  • coronalite96 says:

    it just looks like 4 guys having fun dicking around with instruments, but a million people just happened to stop buy. i cant get enough of these guys

  • Sheblik77 says:

    @95azaidi yeeeeeeeeeees man,3:10 – 3:13 John s smile is like angel coming!!!

  • RB244 says:

    can’t wait til they make there return

  • SargentBorderhop says:

    @AdamAlexRyan its weird you said that cause i clicked this right after i was done watching californication lol you have a point though

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