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Billy Ocean is a Grammy Award-winning British-based popular music performer who had a string of rhythm and blues-tinged international pop hits in the 1970s and 1980s. He was the top British-based R&B singer / songwriter of the 1980s. He was born in Fyzabad, Trinidad and Tobago to Grenadian parents (born Leslie Sebastian Charles, 21 January 1950,) and moved to England with his family at the age of eight. He released his first single in 1972 on Spark Records as Les Charles. By 1975 he adopted the name Billy Ocean, taking the surname from the ‘Ocean Estate’ where he lived in East London. The following year, 1976, was when he recorded his debut album, Billy Ocean, with its first single release, “Love Really Hurts Without You,” charting at number 2 in the UK Singles Chart and number 22 in the US Billboard Hot 100. More hits followed, including as “LOD (Love On Delivery)”. He also wrote songs for other artists such as LaToya Jackson.[2] In 1981 he hit the US R&B chart with “Nights (Feel Like Getting Down)”. Ocean’s period of greatest success began with Suddenly in 1984 and its main single “Caribbean Queen”. The song’s title and lyrics were changed for different regions, such that the song is also known as “African Queen” or “European Queen”. The song won Ocean the Grammy Award for Best Male R&B Vocal Performance at the 1985 Grammy Awards. The album’s title track also became a hit, peaking at #4 in the US, and the song “Loverboy”, while also being a #2 US hit in 1985, from the

25 Responses to Red Light Spells Danger – Billy Ocean 1977

  • and551 says:

    @Blaertj just copy me why dont ya.

  • boladegude89 says:

    Tonya Rock”

  • smcclymont1 says:

    pure quality i dont think billy ocean got the recognition that was due to such a talented songwriter/musician some of the most important dates in my life have been accentuated by the fact this man’s music is there in some way.

  • BarnacleBill247 says:

    If it came to a talent contest of Billy Vs most of today’s leading ‘talents’ he’d proverbially rip their arms from the sockets, ram them in their ears and ride them round like motorcycles.

  • colm01uk says:

    This song brings back memories, brilliant tune, cant believe it was 33 years ago.

  • Blaertj says:

    the top gear version is better 🙂

  • colinb4music says:

    I will always remember this in a fair ground on the the fastest ride. singing this so loud, both arms out. god knows how I did it, buts its true.
    this is one brilliant song, means so much to me. those where the fun days for sure. still holds dear to my heart. Thanks for sharing.

  • and551 says:

    top gears is better

  • dr3wb13 says:

    wow i always knew and loved this song just never knew who made and its the fantastic billy ocean.

  • spikie119 says:

    red light spell’s danger can’t hold out much longer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    fantastic tune still hard to believe it was first release in 1977

  • jfflwn7 says:

    STILL sounds as good now as it did back then. Superb track. His best by a mile…

  • saxo16v says:

    wot a song!

  • loveofmylife49 says:

    Great song took me back to some fun times.


  • sandythebear says:

    they played this on top gear haha nice piece

  • piccanninni says:

    Great tune, terrible quality. Wipe the dust off the vinyl next time! 😉 lol

  • bondservant33 says:

    @gunnyhunny LIES! HE’S ALIVE!

  • raineexdayz says:

    hes not dead at all, i went to see him live on wednesday 🙂 loved it

  • briangemmell1 says:

    what a tune……i still have all my old disco tunes…how did i forget this

  • sunderlandgent says:

    Feel that Seventies love passion beat!!!

  • jantalo says:

    Beautifull song, i’ve played it 15 times allready, REALLY GREAT!
    By the way, @gunnyhunny,> Billy Ocean was in Paradiso Amsterdam Holland On 6 december 2007. Was is really happened?

  • gunnyhunny says:

    Yeah, and he’s dead – he was killed in a freak gardening accident at his mansion near Dudley in the West Midlands, England in 2001 and his greedy manger/agent keeps up the pretence that he’s still alive so as to maximise earnings on his back catalouge

  • prajna8 says:

    Billy, the most underrated singer. Some people never get the recognition they deserve.

  • crmaiden says:

    billy ocean always makes me feel good when im down

  • The123jess says:

    my mum told me to play this song n fort it was just gona be anufa old borin song but i dnt know y i just luv this song i play it over n over engen 🙂 x

  • dourden30 says:

    Impresionante!! :D. Me encanta la canción, la letra, la pasión con que canta… GENIAL!! 😀

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