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Refresh And Renew

March – the month of mad hares, a Green Man (no not the alien kind) and re-birth: yes, Spring is here! Ok it is April now, but let me tell you why I love March.

March is a special month, the darkness of winter has broken and we celebrate a time of rebirth and renewal that comes with new green buds and longer days. This spring month is infused with folk lore and religious celebrations, from the Easter Bunny delivering children colourful Easter eggs to one of the most important religious feasts in the Christian calender.

Whatever the context, March heralds a time to replenish and allow new growth into our lives.

Worldwide, not only have our ancestors but also modern man, honoured this time, the Spring Equinox. March 21st is part of the natural cycle when the day and the night occupy a span of equal time, ie they are the same length and the Sun has gone from its lowest ebb to a higher place in the sky. Night and day are in balance. The sun will continue to rise throughout the summer months until it reaches its zenith and then starts to fall away, the darkest time being at the Winter Equinox.

In Spring, the sun rises in the East and travels for 12 hours and sets in the West and this cycle is the exact same for all places, and has been since time by all people on all parts of the earth.

Hence the earth has majestic stone circles and Neolithic and megalithic sites that were built thousands of years ago to honour these cycles in time and space.

Our own beautiful Stonehenge and Avebury ancient sites are wonders in their own right and ancient people built them so that at the Equinox, certain alignments were evident and rituals and gatherings at special times of the year have been maintained for

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