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more than 4000 years, the estimated time of these sacred sites.

One of the most amazing spectacles, and one I have yet to witness, is at the Temple of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza, a Pyramid in Mexico built originally by the Mayans and then added too by the Toltecs. The temple was built so that at the Spring Equinox, the sun casts a shadow from the pyramidal steps, so that it appears a large serpent is coming down the side of this magnificent structure. This would signify a time of shedding away the old, as a serpent would shed its old skin so that it can transform itself and grow.

The pagan goddess of fertility and Spring is known as Ostara or Eostra and is from here that the Christian festival of Easter derives its name. Hence we give eggs at Easter time with the hope of fertility and renewal.  This festival is not a fixed calender event because it follows the Lunar calender and is after the 1st Full Moon of the Equinox itself, hence Easter being either in March or April. Christ died and was resurrected 2 days after his crucifixion and the theme of death and rebirth is constant. The Greeks at this time give brightly coloured hard boiled dyed eggs. The colour red signifying the blood of Christ and the egg of renewal and fertility.

The Green Man, a man’s face depicted surrounded by green leaves and branches is a symbol found in churches and other architectural sites that celebrates Man’s connection to all things growing on earth. Even now we see old pubs named after him with signs depicting the green foliage intermingled with the face of a man.

This time of year is the perfect time to decide what changes we need to make in our lives and bring them in. Remember we need to shed away the old before we can bring in the

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