has never read this myth story in his life. What actually occurred in the myth is that some mortals one evening left empty jars inside the temple of Dionysus and came back in the morning to find them full of wine; this is hardly turning water into wine.
There are several fallacies in the thinking that there is a link between Christianity and mystery religions, at first glance it may look like there is similarities but often the skeptics don’t know about certain facts or are withholding these facts which often gives the impression there is a similarity between Christianity and mystery religions.
The Apostle Paul and Barnabas could have one the crowd over in the city of Lystra, when the crowd were praising them for healing the paralyzed man shouting the gods have come amongst us and calling Barnabas, Zeus and Paul, Hermes. What an opportunity if the Apostles were in fact copying mythology they could have won the crowd over and more converts, however the Apostles tore their garments and showed the crowds they were human trying to convince the people they were not gods but only men as they were, the crowds then got angry and stoned them almost killing them both the next day.
Another problem is the idea that all the pagan mythology from 1500 BC to the fifth century AD was one big religion and combining all the fragments of information and creating a kind of universal mystery religion which never actually existed.
Another problem is that all too often when a skeptic is trying to convince you that the disciples and Apostles copied mystery religions they will use Christian language and terms to describe pagan beliefs and practices a good example of this is describing a criobolium as a “blood baptism” if one did not know any