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Question by fixerken: Regarding the Bible & religious Question, who is deleting all the questions?
Why are so many Questions being deleted from among the friends? In my opinion we are showing just how false the teachings are & that they originate from pagan rites & festivals. Who ever is running that department is byes & using their position unjustly. Who would a person complain to?

Best answer:

Answer by Røwan
No questions deleted. Y!Answers is undergoing maintenance.
Right now you’re experiencing the *hiccups* effect lol

Edit: keep refreshing. You must be persistent to succeed..:P

Add your own answer in the comments!

8 Responses to Regarding the Bible & religious Question, who is deleting all the questions?

  • Esther says:

    You must have just gotten here. This has been going on on Answers all day. There are major glitches in the system. The questions aren’t really deleted, you just have to click on them about 10 times to get in, and then once you answer, click another 10 times to get your answer recorded.

  • Sptfyr says:

    The questions aren’t being deleted. Y!A is screwed up. You have to click on the post several times and you will eventually get to the question.

    Good Luck

  • The Rifleman says:

    It is a glitch. I get “This Question Has Been Deleted” several times before getting through.

  • gutbucket says:

    If you’re talking about today, that’s just the yamster doing maintenance. The questions are not really deleted.

  • Po?¢????? V?ss?? {???????} says:

    It’s a yahoo glitch.
    They aren’t deleted
    Keep refreshing the page & they appear

  • Hall of Skulls 7 says:

    Quetzalcoatl did it!

  • Someone who cares says:

    It’s the cats. They did it.

  • mae says:

    yahoo answers is messing up, nobody is deleting them. if you have any religious questions feel to e-mail me i would be more than happy to answer them :]

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